Hanging Up The Phone On Someone… I received a special request to blog about phone hang
ups so I will do my best. I have rarely been hung up on, but I know that
it is infuriating when it happens, no matter who is on the other end.
It is about as rude as one can be using the telephone, as far as I am
concerned. I think my mother hung up on me once or twice, but she was
allowed to be rude, she was my mother and that excuses her bad behavior.
Mothers can get away with things that other people can’t, that is one
of the ten commandments. In my mother’s case, she always felt that I
provoke her bad behavior by my choice of words, tone or attitude. In any
case there would be no winning that argument.
If someone, other than my mother, were to hang up on me, that might be
the last...
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