Friday, October 25, 2019

Dr Phil October 21, 2019 Full Episode | The Trouble with Taylor

Dr Phil October 21, 2019 Full Episode | The Trouble with Taylor3

Dr Phil October 21, 2019 Full Episode | The Trouble with Taylor
Dr Phil October 21, 2019 Full Episode | The Trouble with Taylor

Does this "mother" love her kid? Like what the hell?? If my kid did all these things I would be so damn SCARED FOR HER LIFE I'd do ANYTHING to stop her from doing stuff like this?? I think it's not even the thing she's helpless she's just plain evil. Yeah my daughter smokes drinks is not doing school at all and is habitually in cars driven by people under the influence? It's ok. Whaaaaaatttt

If you are paying the internet bill you have way more control than you think , I could turn their devices off, I had access to all their social media accounts , but my kids never gave me a reason to not trust them so I’ve not spied on them , I have logged in and messaged friends of them to find out where they are , cause usually their phones died . Now they are 21, 19 , & 17 things are great . Eldest is working full time living interstate and studying architecture , the other two still live with me and both contribute , are honest and happy ... It isn’t hard to plug in to your kids when you are at home !


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