Dr. Phil Full Episode 221 2019
Dr. Phil Full Episode 221 2019
Dr. Phil Full Episode 221 2019
Romina is a MORON and it makes me ask wtf are her parents and what kind of asinine teaching did they give her for 18 years? If her parents taught her this by example then they belong in prison and so does her pos boyfriend. I'm sorry but this girl is just a brainless dimwit. Her voice needs to be taken away from her by taking away her internet access either permanently or until she's been in therapy for at least a full year to give her a healthy thought process.
Her civil rights were violated and the confession after her stating she wanted a lawyer was not legally usable. The moment she said she wanted a lawyer the cops by law were to immediately stop speaking and end any an all lines of questioning and release her without having any evidence. She has a goldmine of a lawsuit she can nail them with.
I don't get why they put the information about the news app on TV.... that defeats the purpose of it. The abuser could hear about it, get the victims phone and find the app and completely destroy that outlet.
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