Wednesday, April 3, 2019

(April 02, 2019) Dr Phil 2019 | Homeless Mom in Vegas

(April 02, 2019) Dr Phil 2019 | Homeless Mom in Vegas
(April 02, 2019) Dr Phil 2019 | Homeless Mom in Vegas
This mother needs too find A job and a safe place too live with her child.Homeless shelter with a child, and Prostatuion is not Healthy safe atmosphere for her daughter.Her pairents need too get Soul costody of the children.And the daughter shouldent have children what so ever.This is awful.She needs too seek professional help.And her children are at totaly at risk.This is awful.Jessica is not a stable adult
OMG this girl's mouth won't stop why doesn't she just tell her parents she needs help.? Instead of saying, "y'all won't help me. I have no where to go." And saying pimps have her daughter and she has got to do what they say or her daughter will get hurt. And she is so rude to Dr Phil. How can he stand that stupied bitch. It's obvious she is high on meth or some kind of speed. She is one of the worst guest I've seen. Hey, Jessica, your 23. Quit looking for a hand out. Your parents don't owe you a damn thing. I hope the grand daughter gets away from her mother. And she says she isn't a hooker...then why does she have a pump lol. I can't stand her laugh. I can't stand to watch her jump around. Oh yeah, she said she was a mandated reporter. Ha Ha. Anyone else think that was hilarious. OMG!!! Yuk!!! Freak!!!

Look, I grew up with a mother who was manipulative and would do everything to make herself look like the rational player and a victim in various situations. But that girl is a straight up BRAT. That’s not a righteously frustrated daughter. That’s a delusional brat who can’t stop running her mouth.


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