Saturday, December 21, 2019

ملخص مباراة يـ ووفنتـ ـ ـوس وسامـ ـبدوريـ ـا 2-1 جول رونـ ـالـ ـدو ضد الجاذبيه للتاريخ

ملخص مباراة يـ ووفنتـ ـ ـوس وسامـ ـبدوريـ ـا 2-1 جول رونـ ـالـ ـدو ضد الجاذبيه للتاريخ 2019
ملخص مباراة يـ ووفنتـ ـ ـوس وسامـ ـبدوريـ ـا 2-1 جول رونـ ـالـ ـدو ضد الجاذبيه للتاريخ 2019
ملخص مباراة يـ ووفنتـ ـ ـوس وسامـ ـبدوريـ ـا 2-1 جول رونـ ـالـ ـدو ضد الجاذبيه للتاريخ

والله لوكان رونالدو مع الريال اليوم،يربحو ا ويماركي الدون،خسارة كبيرة تبيع رونالدو

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Sampdoria 1-2 Juventus | Ronaldo Header Wins It for the Visitors | Serie A TIM

Sampdoria 1-2 Juventus | Ronaldo Header Wins It for the Visitors | Serie A TIM 2019
Sampdoria 1-2 Juventus | Ronaldo Header Wins It for the Visitors | Serie A TIM 2019
Sampdoria 1-2 Juventus | Ronaldo Header Wins It for the Visitors | Serie A TIM

Cristiano Ronaldo scored a brilliant header as Juventus overcame Sampdoria to go top of the Serie A table | Serie A

 Jumps, tells gravity to relax, hangs in the air without touching the defender then puts the ball at the back of the net. Almost 35? This guy is superhuman! 🙌🏻                          

Juventus’s training ground is a no-fly zone in order to avoid the risk of planes hitting Ronaldo while he’s practicing headers
wow, lot of people come here to watch this match, I believe that because Ronaldo's goal.

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سامبدور 1-2 يوفنتوس | هدف استثنائي من كريستيانو رونالدو في مرمى سامبدوريا | الجولة 17

هل تعلمون ان رونالدو قفز اعلى من الكرة و بعد ثانية انزل راسه حتى يضربها كاد يفقد هذه الكرة بسبب علو قفزته كم انت عظيم يا كرستيانو رونالدو
سامبدور 1-2 يوفنتوس | هدف استثنائي من كريستيانو رونالدو في مرمى سامبدوريا | الجولة 17
سامبدور 1-2 يوفنتوس | هدف استثنائي من كريستيانو رونالدو في مرمى سامبدوريا | الجولة 17
سامبدور 1-2 يوفنتوس | هدف استثنائي من كريستيانو رونالدو في مرمى سامبدوريا | الجولة 17
سامبدور 1-2 يوفنتوس | هدف استثنائي من كريستيانو رونالدو في مرمى سامبدوريا | الجولة 17
يا ناس هذا إرتقاء لاعب على أعتاب الـ 35 !!!! .. كيف سيكون حال كرة القدم بعد اعتزال الاسطورتين كريستيانو وميسي 😰😰

ما هذا يا رونالدو كوره كان من الصعب الوصول إليها لكن الدون لا يعرف المستحيل يطير في سماء الإيطال من غير جنحان الدون كيف سيكون حال الكوره بعد اعتزالك يا ربااااه يا ربااااااااه

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 332

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 332
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 332
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 332

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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 442

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 442
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 442
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 442

Classic psychopath. He's unable to show any empathy or even fake it. It's a concept that is completely alien to him.

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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 433

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 433
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 433

Paul said it himself: he has paranoid schizophrenia. The hallucinations, people spying on him, everyone out to get him, the delusions of grandeur, etc., are indicative of the mental illness. He does need help, but not the kind his mother is giving.
Should have put a stop to it a lot sooner than this, and as for attacking his mom, just shows what a nasty coward he is. Wouldn't happen in my life, he'd be GONE!!!!!!

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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 361

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 361
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 361
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 361
I lost my Mom about a year ago and my Dad a few weeks ago. I am literally a lost little girl....but my kids always come first...I live for them...I find joy for them because that is what my parents would have wanted.

I'm very sorry that this woman lost her mother. My mother passed away suddenly and it's very hard. But she has children who need their mother, too. The rage and the chaos is damaging to them. They are probably hurting just as much as she is. She needs to let the people around her help her grieve, but she is pushing them away with her outbursts.

I feel for the first guest, my mother is the greatest woman I know and I don't even want to think of having to live in this world without her. She is my savior and has helped guide me through my life, she's my whole world🌎 and with my first child (baby girl) on the way I can't wait for her to love her grandmother as much as I do. 💜❤️ 
I lost my mother to suddenly but I don't abuse everyone around me because I'm miserable without her and feel lost without her and theres a whole lot of other "without hers" so you can only take it day by day making the most of it as best as you can. 
My brother had to leave his wife after her nother died... She grieved for 15 years and refused to have sex because her mother could see her, my brother badly wanted children and never had any,,very sad all round
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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 424

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 424
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 424
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 424

This all sounds exactly what my husband is going through. His is due to the drugs he does. It is crazy behavior.
Anyone besides me that would love to repeatedly punch her face? We had a meth head in our family, and this woman's behavior is so typical.

Only in US cld a non practising " psychologist" give our homespun advice on TV. Thanks God the likes of Anna Raeburn and that dreadful Denise woman come on with their "common sense" approach to mental illness.
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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 476

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 476
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 476
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 476

That girl Tempest lives on the corner of Cluster B Avenue and Borderline road.

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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 407

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 407
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 407
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 407

Who the hell deliberately walks onto a floor covered in detergent....great for the camera! The daughter has put up so many walls. I hope she can really embrace the help Dr Phil gives her. She deserves it.
That poor child has had to grow up so fast, she's only 14 but she acts older and even looks like she is late twenties. I hope Dr Phil can help her become the best person she can be. Her mother may have lost her son, her step father lost his child, but she lost her brother...

If you suffer from untreated mental illness, trauma or addiction & are thinking of having kids, PLEASE realize that this is the type of damage you'll be causing by bringing a child into the world! None of those conditions is a choice but having kids IS. Choosing not to get help promptly is also a choice if you already have children & get in a bad place after the fact. Be the adult, ffs. Your life is no longer about you once you reproduce.
Smart girl, I hope she develops a better speech pattern...she sounds so angry....her demeanor doesn't match her. That tough act will go when she feels protected and loved.

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Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 370

Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 370
Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 370
Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 370

"Dope"? That's a very ignorant thing for an educated professional in the field of medicine and/or psychiatry, to say when millions of people get weened off genuine dope because of cannabis.

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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 468

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 468
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 468

Hey "dad" - if your son does sooo well when he's only with you, then why not be a hero for your son and be in his life MORE? ...This dad is a joke. Maybe its his kewpie doll hairdo, but i just can't.

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Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 365

Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 365
Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 365
Watch Dr Phil 2019 Episodes 365

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Monday, December 16, 2019

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 351

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 351
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 351

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‘Are You Pregnant?’ Dr. Phil Asks Teen dr phil show 2019

‘Are You Pregnant?’ Dr. Phil Asks Teen dr phil show 2019
‘Are You Pregnant?’ Dr. Phil Asks Teen dr phil show 2019

A teen, who claims she’s pregnant, tells Dr. Phil why she has threatened to have gang friends hurt her parents. And, Dr. Phil questions her about how she’s taking care of her unborn baby.

this girl is a JOKE lmao. preteens and teens nowadays are wanting to be a “gangster” and be in a “gang” because they think it’s cool. it’s STUPID lmao like why? what’s so good about becoming or being in one?

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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 362

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 362
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 362
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 362

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Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 335

Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 335
Watch Dr Phil Show 2019 December Episodes 335
This is so frustrating. My niece actually lost 4 babies with 3 pregnancies and I watched her go through absolute hell for 5 years. She was finally blessed with 2 beautiful baby boys that are her life. It's very sick for this woman to fake the babies deaths when there are REAL victims and families that are devastated over their loss.
This woman is a horrible person! My daughter lost our first and only granddaughter(who was a twin) and they were born extremely premature. I mean by a matter of hours. If they were born before midnight, they would`ve been considered non-viable and wouldn`t have intervened medically. Unfortunately she only lived a few days. Her brother did survive and is one of a well-known neonatal hospitals smallest ever to survive. So pulling this shit on people is awful, and she should be made to pay for the hurt and outright fraud that she perpetrated on them. Just because Scarlett didn`t live very long, didn`t make her death any easier to take. She is an embarrassment to herself, and her family and friends(if there are any left, but she`s likely conned them with her lies too). She is a terrible person all over for making light of`, and using an innocent child`s death for her own gain!

While the woman who is obviously lying and hostile, I question the other woman whom thought it was her job to be an extensive how do u have time to be the news broadcaster...get a life for both!!
i work in customer service and I had a woman call me and stay on the phone with me for nearly an hour talking about how she lost her husband to cancer in 2012, how her niece was murdered in a domestic violence dispute in 2015, and how she has horrible anxiety and can't sleep at night. On and on and on. I was empathizing with her when she suddenly said, "I'm just messing with you. No. I'm just messing with you," and hung up the line. My only thinking is that these people have some sort of illness or disorder that makes them want to easily lie and manipulate emotions to fill their own voids.

She looks like"Truthfully Tricia, " when Trica was a guest on Dr Phil. Tricia marched off stage and the laid face down by the audience. Wish Amy would have laid face down on the floor! What's truly amazing is she keeps finding these guys willing to get with her... That's truly the amazing part.

We know shes lieing which is really sad and ridiculous to do something like that. Obviously this women needs help! I will say though just because someone doesnt show or look pregnant means nothing i have a friend who delivered at 35 weeks with twins and looked like she was just starting to show and my sister in laws sister by the time she was 25 weeks pregnant with her daughter looked like she was 40 weeks with twins. I delivered my twins at 36 weeks and it was obvious i was pregnant but i wasnt to much bigger then i was with my first child. Hell my cousins sister in law didnt even look pregnant when she went into labor it happens

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Dr Phil 2019 episodes 517 NEW

Dr Phil 2019 episodes 517 NEW
Dr Phil 2019 episodes 517 NEW

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

la fuite d'eau dans lavabo اصلاح سيفون المغسلة الذي يتسرب منه الماء

la fuite d'eau dans lavabo اصلاح سيفون المغسلة الذي يتسرب منه الماء+la fuite d'eau dans lavabo اصلاح سيفون المغسلة الذي يتسرب منه الماء+++
la fuite d'eau dans lavabo اصلاح سيفون المغسلة الذي يتسرب منه الماء

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2019 -2020 حل لمشكل عدم استيراد النقط بموقع مسار

2019 -2020 حل لمشكل عدم استيراد النقط بموقع مسار
2019 -2020 حل لمشكل عدم استيراد النقط بموقع مسار

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