Monday, March 4, 2019

DrPhil Mar 01 2019 ☝ Dr Phil Top Best Episode 80

 DrPhil Mar 01 2019 ☝ Dr Phil Top Best Episode 80
 DrPhil Mar 01 2019 ☝ Dr Phil Top Best Episode 80
Omg seriously does this woman have a type. Is she scrolling the sex offenders near me and staging meet ups with those on the low level?
It's a sad story, but she's definitely better of without a mother like that. She's a complete idiot. How lonely you have to be to make yourself deny every fact like this... There's something really disturbing about her - like all the monster-moms that actually let their partners abuse their children because they are afraid, that if she would say 'no' then they guy would leave her.
I wish more children were brave enough to speak about their parent's abuse, this is a strong girl who will not follow in her vile mother's footsteps
Arlene is such a damaged person that she doesn't have the ability to be an effective mother. As it stands now, she is a danger to her teenager, and barring serious intervention, she ll remain dangerous.

Never has a Dr. Phil show hit so close to for me. It was actually quite difficult to sit through but I'm glad I did. For 5yrs I was abused sexually by my first step-father. The worst part was the knowledge that my "mother" was very much aware she was putting me at risk. It started at the age of 8yrs and ended when I was 13yrs old cuz I finally told someone about it. My mothers reaction? The same. I was thrown out (Thankfully it was my father that took both my brother and I in.) accused of destroying her 2nd marriage. I'm now 42yrs old and I know that my childhood has played a roll in some difficulties I'm experiencing in my adult life. So PRAISE GOD there is a Dr. Phil for this beautiful/smart child to protect and find help for. Now she she won't turn into me. Thanks Dr. Phil 👍👍
The more this goes on the sicker I feel because SO many single mothers just work all day and leave some scummy abuser around their children. Even if it weren't a pedophile, what if it were an alcoholic? A person who have fits of rage? You're choosing a MAN over your children and not even raising them when you just support creeps and bring money home then leave your children there.
What a disgusting woman. Her child gets hurt by a Sex offender and she goes and brings the next one home. She should not be called a mother, she should not have kids near her. To think that she more or less is angry at her child for not being fine with that man in her home. the home she should feel and be save in. A home she never was save in.
The selfish mother says that it's not worth losing the man she loves because her daughter said that she still wouldn't move back if she kicked him out! That woman doesn't deserve a child, she's not got the love or intelligence to look after one...if she did she would realise that what she should do is kick the perv out and explain to her daughter that there's no rush to move back...if ever but she's put men on the back burner and wants to try to repair their men involved!
She seems quite willing and happy to expose a child to a sex predators. Not just indifferent. She almost seems jovial. Now you know that shows she’s capable of getting pulled into abusing others too. She is just the type a guy would enlist to aid in luring a child to be raped.
You chose your kid/kids before everyone on the world. You don't give away your kid/kids just because someone don't tell you to chose between her or him. This woman isn't a mom and she don't care about anyone more than herself....
this mom is so desperate for a man its pathetic. When you get to a place in life it can be backtracked how many creepy abusive pedophile- type of men you go towards.... You're the problem lady.
OMG I would never ever consider dating a sex offender, my children are my world, my everything and I dread to think what I'd be capable of if anyone touched my child in an inappropriate way. A parent is there to protect their children, anything less and you've failed. That woman is delusional.
Such BS. She should have automatically made the guy move out when her daughter said she started to feel uncomfortable. All I hear is exuses and what she wants to know and believe. Regardless if he has changed or didn't do it or if it was a "long time ago" right off the bat I would have abided to my daughters feelings and needs and not question it. Also why does this woman keep dating sex offenders? Pick a better type


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