Saturday, March 9, 2019

Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Held Captive and Teen Mom Ki||s Intruder

 Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Held Captive and Teen Mom Ki||s Intruder
 Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Held Captive and Teen Mom Ki||s Intruder
When I read in my husband’s “ confession letter “ that he had abused my dog, I was alone in the house and I remember being grateful about that, because if he had been in front of me, I would most assuredly have killed him. No  “ man” that willfully hurts a dog that worships him.  He deserves  to walk around with the same injuries you caused the dog. Times Ten....  Animal Abuse Ain’t A’right-

I believe the story the daughter is saying. But I also strongly feel that her son needs to be removed from her and her husband. She'll continue exposing her baby to this abuse, her track record clearly shows this. Of course, why the husband isn't locked up for life by now is a mystery but that's also clearly never going to happen so just please someone get this baby far far away from his parents.

Substance abuse, as in alcohol, well it destroys people and changes some into monsters, it creates a false reality and blackouts are common with alcohol addiction, I think he's probably guilty but I also think that she will have done things without realising too. Why would I know because for a year of my life, alcohol changed me from the kindest person in the world, to the devil, alcohol is awful. The guy definitely has issues and probably needs to go to jail, she needs to go to therapy and rehabilitation too. One year of this awful place was enough for me, it creeped up but as soon as I saw myself and realised who I'd become , I worked so hard to get myself back for me and my beautiful family. I wasn't going to be an alcoholic for 37 years and counting like my father. I've done parenting classes to make sure my boys get the best they deserve, I'm working on child psychology and emotional health, I was emotionally abused, neglected as a child and into adulthood I'm free And estranged from family members. I provide My boys with a loving stable home, inside it breaks me I Was emotionally unavailable for that time but I'm making it up as much as I can, I was a broken person,so much happened to me. The innocent parties are the child and dog in this. The good thing I've been working with my therapist for months and I've managed to give my children secure attachment, as the way they're responding to me, my therapist smiled at me with the biggest smile and said you are giving them secure attachment and carrying on this way, your children will flourish in adult life, I cried my eyes out, I'm scared of messing up but I'm doing all I can. Gosh that's long happy reading if you got this far 😂, peace and lov
I stayed for over 3 years. He didn’t start out with hitting me. He started with little things to control me and eventually when he knew I had no one to turn to or any resources he started to hit me. It started with “oh don’t wear that shirt I don’t want anyone else to look at you like that. Guys are pigs and I don’t want to have you feel objectified.” And then it turned to “don’t wear makeup, it makes you look like a slut” “makeup is only for whores” and eventually he began hitting me and using his religion and up bringing as an excuse. Telling me “well if you were a godly woman like the Bible says and would just do what I say then I wouldn’t hit you” “ you need to stop making me so mad, it’s your fault that you get hit.” “Just do what I say and I will stop hitting you” “my word is final I am the man and if you don’t follow that God gives me the right to physically strike you to keep you in line” of course I believed it because he brainwashed me. He isolated me and made me feel like I would not survive on my own. I worked 70 hours a week without a car in January in Chicago. Finally I secretly started reconnecting with my family. When they discovered the truth the acted immediately. They still don’t know the whole story and I won’t tell them. They don’t need that in their head. He is PT of my life forever. Now I am going to marry the most AMAZING man in the world. He will NEVER raise a hand to me. And he never makes me feel bad for my PTSD. He helps calm me down when I have nightmares or I see someone in the store that looks like my ex. I can not wait to marry my knight in shining armor in 219 days!

I hope this family gets the help they need. His parents need to get counseling to help them remove their blunders. She needs PTSD counseling, alcoholism counseling, etc. the sister needs help too. Maybe even more than the parents. I hope he goes to jail and pays his debt to society and get help too. That way when he comes back out into the real world he can be a father for his son as well as a productive member of society. God bless that family.


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