Monday, March 11, 2019

Dr Phil Show Mar 11,2019 | S17E119: Exclusive: Grieving Parents React to Chris Watts Confession

 Dr Phil Show Mar 11,2019 | S17E119: Exclusive: Grieving Parents React to Chris Watts Confession
 Dr Phil Show Mar 11,2019 | S17E119: Exclusive: Grieving Parents React to Chris Watts Confession
Words fail me...! What an evil and terrible man. My heart breaks for this family and I can't imagine the horror for them hearing this.
CW only cries because he got caught and has to live out his life in prison. Why? Why? He didn't want to pay child support for three children.
Frankie was spot on when he said Chris was manipulated into killing his family. Nothing in this world will ever convince me that NK had nothing to do with this!!
These people are so sad and Chris Watts days are no. He'll be dead within a year. I'm glad the grandma got to see her grandson to. And if course the other woman new. Bless you people
My heart I can't begin to understand this kind of evil and the pain this thing has brought opon this family may god be with them in this time of healing. And to those that choose to continue the heartless shameless disrespectful evil against this family god help you KARMA'S coming.


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