Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil (March 02, 2019) Scammed and Duped?

Dr Phil (March 02, 2019) Scammed and Duped?
Dr Phil (March 02, 2019) Scammed and Duped?

Dr Phil (March 02, 2019) Scammed and Duped? Dr Phil Full Episodes 2019 Best Watch 2019

She’s dubious in her text messages and asks if he’s committing illegal acts. Then in person she’s in complete denial. She sounds like a drone. By the way nitwit, in real life, guys aren’t sending you poems, love letters.. those are signs of a scam unless you’re about 15 years old ok? Jeeeezzzzzz

After watching this one I need to lie down in a dark room just to recover from the utter stupidity of this woman. Half greed, half buying love - great choice there woman. I feel awful for her kids.

I fell in love with my pen pal years ago, HE NEVER ASKED FOR MONEY and he actually worked hard on his own to get all the money HIMSELF to get a flight to meet me. We're married and still deeply in love for nearly 14 years now. 
I feel so so bad for this lady but also I feel like WTF’s the matter with her? It’s so so obvious that this guy is Nigerian from his accent🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄everything she’s saying points directly to a scam. I understand you help those you love but she is so irresponsible spending her kids and family funds on this con artist. This woman isn’t okay, he doesn’t seem bothered by the fact that she’s been scammed. Why is she even on the show? She doesn’t want help. She laughs about everything and then burst into tears the next. Totally unstable and in the koko bean!!!!! 
Personally, if I was doctor Phil, I would have kicked her off my show for being so closed minded the whole time she had an attitude because they were telling her facts and she just wanted to be right so badly that she made herself look like an idiot 
I will just never understand how seemingly normal and reasonably intelligent women get sucked into these situations. It completely boggles my mind. She's stolen from her family and spent money that should have gone toward her children's education and her retirement. How can any woman be so desperate? It's absolutely unbelievable! When you meet someone and they begin asking you for money with promises of great amounts of wealth to be had, run for your life because you're being scammed. It's amazing to me how this man has completely brainwashed her and she just refuses to see reality. She'll never see one thin dime of her money back. Even when she's shown proof that she's been duped, she maintains he's legitimate. It's honestly difficult to feel sorry for a woman that dense. 
He put 6 million in her name but he doesn’t have 1000 to come to USA 🇺🇸😂😂😂 how stupid can this lady be?? I mean I get it, sometimes people are so lonely and desperate they would do anything for love but I am pretty sure she has enough brain to put two and two together and realize this is full scam!! 
What in the world ! Why would some one in their right mind take all of the money out from her childrens life insurance polocey .And then sell her greatgrandmother Ring.And Yet her oldest Son told her its a scam.And even her bank said it was a scam as well. Money Isnt Love what so ever.She needs professional help. 
I could never understand how these people are so naive to give money to someone you never met. If she's so desperate for a relationship why not go to church, or a group of people who have similar interests that she has. But to pine away and go broke supporting someone you never even met is mind-boggling! 
on one hand I feel sorry for this woman, on the other I just wanna slap her with a wet fish. She is beyond gullible. Phil is wrong about the passport/driving licence though, in the UK we are expected to provide the photos but there are certain criteria that need to be met first. You musn't be laughing or smiling in the photo and your picture has to be front on and not to the side. They are incredibly strict about that.
Omg, I still cannot get my head around these people who are being duped and won’t except that they have been taken for the most expensive ride of there life’s. Why would anybody send money to a person they have only ever had contact with via emails/social media. Are there truly such thick idiots in this day and age that they believe there so in love with an image of god knows who and words....seriously....come on...and then when it’s been proven it’s a scam, they don’t believe it.....wake up and smell the coffee lady, you being taken for a ride....Give up Dr Phil she’s not listening. If she was my mum I’d just want to shake the crap out of her and tell her to wise up, what’s wrong with her, so much proof he’s a con man taking her for every penny she has and she’s still not believing them. 
 twice, two woman tried scamming me and I know immediately it's a scam at the very first message they sent. Imagine, both different ladies but used same words. Say their from Somalia, they're from a rich dad who died, and she wants to marry me (haha), that she wants to transfer her father's money into my bank account! But in order it can be transferred, need to declare and pay tax of $xxx for it. As I know it's a con, so I said, why not this way, let me make a deal with the officer, that before you transfer the money to my account, let this highest officer take out the tax money from your few million dollars, then transfer. After that, both of them never called me anymore! Both do not know each other, both called me about a few months in between. So, be wary, be smart. Don't be easily fooled. By the way, most of these scammers are strangely only from Nigeria, no where else.
Dr Phil is wrong about UK passports and driving licences. You can send in your own but they have to be approved. The passport ones are very strict, so Dr Phil is right about that; you're not allowed to smile 😊
I mean she is obviously delusional however he is wrong about the picture thing. Here in the UK you send pictures for passports and driving licences so they can be the same. my driving licence and passport has the same picture. They are right he is obviously a scammer, however that is just lazy and made up information regarding UK passports.
Know of very successful woman (real shark in business) that is currently being duped by a man (or who knows) that she met nearly two months ago on a popular dating site. The dating site just contacted her to warn her of the person she is communicating with online and they closed down his account. She buys all his excuses. It is so crazy.
You can submit your own picture in Britain, but we have a very strict standard regarding the size, the background and you can't laugh in them as if you are snapped on holiday. I still have to watch most of this but this point is already a clincher, apart from the obvious african accent, not knowing who she is, the money and the excuses....why fall for something like this in this day and age? I understand some women are desperate but do you have to lose your total IQ over it?
Girl this is an African that’s their story line. But how crazy are you to send all this money to someone you don’t know? The story don’t even make sense. Like Dr. Phil said common sense isn’t common anymore smh 🤦‍♀️


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