Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Trafficking Survivor Demands Answers From Her Therapist Mother

Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Trafficking Survivor Demands Answers From Her Therapist Mother
Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Trafficking Survivor Demands Answers From Her Therapist Mother
IF her dad told her mom IN PRIVATE that he blames the daughter for his health problems and dying (completely irrational anyway, getting pregnant doesn't cause grandpas' heart attack) WHY would a "MOM" tell her daughter? That serves no purpose and only causes pain! I can NOT believe this "mom" has a degree in counseling! WHAT A JOKE!!! This young lady deserved real parents and got them sad for the daughter!
I'm only 8mins in but how can this woman say she didn't know how broken the system was when her daughter was molested at age 2 while in foster care??? How could they let their daughter re enter a system where she had been molested at 2!? Is that not indicative of a broken system? At the same time I do get that it's easy to judge from the comment section but that just sounds like a lie they told themselves to make it ok to give up, I don't think it matters how much she insisted she wanted to go back into foster care they should have known better because they were the adults.

When i fostered teenagers, the biggest problem wasn't the children, it was getting the social workers to tell me the truth about what they had been through. They seemed to think if they told me anything bad had happened to them i wouldn't take them. The first placement broke down when an old neighbour came over and complained that the girl was stripping at her bedroom window for a group of boys hiding in the bushes. When i contacted the social worker about it she was sorry that this had happened again. AGAIN??? If i had known all her problems, habits and history i could have dealt with them. The poor 13 year old girl was embarrassed at having let me and my little children who she adored, down that she couldn't face staying. I tried to persuade her we could start from scratch but it was no good. I ALWAYS asked to know EVERYTHING after that and they still hid some things, but we worked through them. Those social workers put MY children at risk. 
God bless this girl. She is very open and wants to obviously get help. She’s very much an open wound that needs a lot of help I hope she gets every bit of help she needs. And that mother needs help she’s a joke. 
I wanna know what university would give this mother a masters degree in counseling? Holy hell she should change careers. right this second. 
Savannah does not have the power to give people cancer or heart attacks. Even if her father actually believed that his daughter killed him it was stupid and cruel to tell this to her. My mom pulls this B.S. about one of my cousins somehow causing or contributing to her mother’s death and I jump down her ignorant throat every time. But she still says it occasionally. What a c-word. 
Love how they think they know better ...I can say from experience staying..or in my case being shuffled back to parent then foster care when once again didn't work out..was worse than being left in care. Being with an extremely unfit parent can be way more damaging. So Dr and wife,don't be so cocksure you're right,you aren't in a lot of cases. I nearly paid with my life. So yes i know a thing or two about this. You say to parents who've lost children "I won't pretend to know how you feel"...well don't pretend to know how 'us' system kids feel either. You can't possibly know. 
Savannah has the best intentions. If she gets help she can get better. The mother is really horrible, even if the dad said that it is not okay. To blame somebody that’s been through so much for bringing trouble to the family is horrible. She did never ever cause her fathers dad. 
I’m trying to figure out why she is so angry at the one person who tried to help her? She isn’t even her real mother. Her Mother was an addict, she didn’t have to adopt her. Everyone else that dealt with her abused her horribly. She might not have been perfect but at least she tried. I think that what happened to her was absolutely disgusting but I think the anger is misplaced. The system needs to do a better job at educating and supporting adoptive and foster parents. Imagine parenting someone with so many issues. It’s entirely possible that you wouldn’t know what to do. That’s a tough situation and as much as this goes on the system should be equipped to handle this better. So sad that these innocent children have to pay the price. 
I think Savannah's blaming her mom so much because her mom DID do so much right and she truly believed she could and would protect her--and then she failed her. I'm guessing Savannah's blaming herself for trusting her mom to protect her, and blaming her mom for failing to protect her, and she's probably not blaming the men who trafficked her and used her because she never had any reason to expect any better from them. This is one of few times I actually think the relationship here is reparable, but the mom needs to stop being defensive and start accepting that from her daughter's perspective, her best wasn't enough. I really hope this family heals. 
Savannah is such a strong lady I wish her all the best in life and hope she can one day move on xx Remember anyone who has been sexually or physically abused that every 7 years your whole body regenerates the cells. After 7 years they have not touched you! Its the only thing that gets me through so I hope it help someone else too xx 


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