Monday, March 4, 2019

Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Is Mom Leading a Secret Life, or Are These Daughters Caught Up in Drama

 Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Is Mom Leading a Secret Life, or Are These Daughters Caught Up in Drama
 Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Is Mom Leading a Secret Life, or Are These Daughters Caught Up in Drama

The daughters need to mind their own business in my opinion. They're grown & If the husband cared he would of showed up to the show. My parents have deeper darker secrets. I don't put them on blast. I wouldn't want them in my business if the tables were turned.
Husband has all the information. Let him live with his wife if he wants. But mother would never see her grand kids and if father wants to see kids he comes to their homes. I would never visit their parents home again as long as mother lives there.

I'm a grown, single woman and if I have an "adventure" then it's away from my home . Of course I'm in my 60's , so @ my age it's a miracle!

I don’t care if the mom had sex with the entire military it is not her GROWN children business they need to stay in their own lane and out of their mothers and fathers relationship if the dad wants to divorce their mom that between their parents
What baffles me is why Kimberly agreed to go on the show in the first place knowing her daughters were going to drag her thru the mud. If she's cheating it only concerns Kimberly and her husband. Period. The daughters are Way out of line. It has absolutely nothing to do with the grand kids. The girls are thriving off All the Drama that they are creating. Ridiculous topic to build a show around. Who cares? I'm Out.
It was so nice hearing dr Phil put he daughters in place and confront them about holding the children hostage. And it was nice hearing him express his concern to the mother too. Both parties are in the wrong in some way. Instead of the daughters acting worried they act hateful and disgusted.
This what you get when you have SIX offspring. So excessive, at least one if not more will bring you misery and snoop up in your business. Super gross producing a litter of humans.


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