Friday, March 8, 2019

Dr Phil (March 06, 2019) The One Who Survived

Dr Phil (March 06, 2019) The One Who Survived
Dr Phil (March 06, 2019) The One Who Survived

Her daughters are almost adults, and they are constantly complaining about money...why is the mom not getting a job?? Also if she is a stay at home mom, why can't she clean her house?? damn if the dishwasher is broken wash your dishes in the sink is not hard to do. The dad has done horrible things to the girls but the mom should take responsibility and grow up!

And the mother can't work because???? Get a job and pay for your own groceries! The dad isn't obliged to keep're a grown assed woman, pay your own bills. He is responsible for alimony for his children, not their mother.

wow that mother... if you want to call her that... She cant even keep the fecking house clean, let alone get a fecking job and stop glomming onto her girls and expect some man take care of everything.! 
Not that the husband is a saint or anything, but that lady is an able bodied human being...whats keeping her from getting a job? Even if its just a reception job or waitressing, or fast food work at a mcdonalds or something. Somewhere out there somebody would hire her even without experience and say theyd train her. I just dont get some people. I would never depend on someone else to pay my bills for me. Even if im married, and they had all the money in the world where I wouldnt have to work, Id still keep working, because realistically speaking, your spouse may not be around forever. Sometimes awful things happen, relationships end. You can never depend on somebody else for money that you could be making for yourself. Its shameful. Now, this guy left and filed for divorce and this woman doesnt have a pot to pee in. But thats nobody elses fault but her own. I feel bad for the daughters. 
After reading comments, as a Mom of 3 girls, they did get jobs at 15 or 16 but because they wanted to. It is a good stepping stone into adulthood and there and were many opportunities to teach how to be fiscally responsible. That having bee said does not take away from the Fathers legal obligation to pay child support til they are 18. If they were a cohesive family still he would be supporting the girls. As far as Mom being supported still, um, she needs a job. Kids aren't little anymore. 
I was a stay at home mom, when I divorced, I got nothing, I had four kids, 8,6,5, and 3, my youngest has autism, and second youngest ADD, I got a job, waitress for a year and a half, and then became an independent house cleaner, cause waitressing didn't make enough to support them. Never did get a dime from my ex. Ever. 
  at home mom, worked a few days a month. My husband passed away and I had to go out and find a full time job. I also went back to school. My youngest child was eight years old when she lost her dad. My kids and I all worked together to maintain a home. Things have not always been easy but we did it. Eight years ago I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer so I did retire early. It will be 21 years ago that my husband passed away I think about him everyday and I know that he would be very proud of us. I will be 69 years old this July. I have not always made the wisest decisions but that’s ok. I wasn’t left with any money except for a $55,000 life insurance. My husband and I had relocated and started all over again in life but despite this we did it and I am proud of my family. There was no insurance on our truck and I paid that off, I had other bills I had to pay but like I said, we did it! I read once that a loser will blame other people for there problems but a winner takes the credit for their accomplishments. I want to be the winner.


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