Friday, March 8, 2019

Dr Phil Show Mar 07,2019 || Exclusive: Grieving Parents React to Chris Watts' Confession

Dr Phil Show Mar 07,2019 || Exclusive: Grieving Parents React to Chris Watts' Confession
Dr Phil Show Mar 07,2019 || Exclusive: Grieving Parents React to Chris Watts' Confession
I wish we celebrated these kinds of women and sisters more and more, instead of the likes of the kardashian kancer klan. we need more of this reality - the real life reality. I’m so proud of her, what a true and pure survivor. Breaks my heart she wasn’t believed. xo 
This is horrid, but too bad her mom wasn't the one kidnapped. She sounds like she'd probably get along with him too well though. How evil can you get, saying the stuff she did about her brave daughter. Her hobby of looking for bodies is likely cathatic for her, and anyone who looks down on that or thinks it's weird needs to go away. She is an amazing woman. I kinda have a crush on her after this, I'm so glad to see that she has healed enough to live life to the fullest now. Ride those kiddie pony rides and shopping carts girl!

Jennifer, I'm so glad I watched this today. You, girl, are the very definition of a survivor - a strong, brave woman who has had to face so much more than you deserved, but you've come out on top, with lessons to teach others. I can't wait to buy your book. 
Oh Jennifer, I understand completely. I was kidnapped at gun and knifepoint at 17 years old. After seven hours of him on top of me with a gun to my throat I escaped. The police sargeant said it would be my word against his. Three days later he shot at me as I was walking on the side of the road. My story is longer, like yours, but I too had PTSD over it for twenty more years, in how it affected me. You are brave, courageous, strong and amazing. I have horses and for decades have been running a big horse rescue and conserving endangered animals. You are my sister, girl. 
I want her as a friend. I go skipping about. I wear two matching shoes, just different colors. I have blue hair. I take my guitar out to the park and play and sing - don't worry, it's not too bad, I'm a music teacher. I'm 66. I try to bring a little pleasure into every day. Children, teenagers and dogs love me and I trust their opinion. I don't love myself but i do like myself and I think I like this woman very much. 
I once saw a video on YouTube about a girl sat in the middle of the desert on the anniversary of the day she escaped a serial killer recounting what she went through . A few years have past but I'm pretty convinced it's the same person at this point. Happy to see she's doing well now ! 
Her family sounds messed up. How could the cops not believe her. Since they didn't take the investigation and her allegations seriously they wasted a possible chance to catch a serial killer and are partially responsible for his next victims being killed. 


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