Monday, March 11, 2019

Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil full hd

 Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil full hd
 Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil full hd

The mother is the primary problem in this situation. In fact, her poor parenting is what has led to the difficulties all of her children are having.
I think it's great that the girls spoke up...probaly the first time the mother 'had' to listen. I think they felt more like they could because they were not at home behind closed doors!
The mother should not have escalated the situation to the point in which violence occurred. It would have made more sense to allow the daughter to leave the house instead of allowing the situation to go that far. That woman could have so easily been killed. Those parents can't imprison two teenagers in their home and not expect extreme reactions to occur. There is no excuse however for stabbing anyone, especially one's own mother. There is such horrible parenting that has gone on, probably for all of the kids lives that I wonder if there's a way to turn this around. The violence in this home appears to have gone to the extreme.


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