Dr Phil (February 28, 2019) Pageant Mom Did She Put Her Daughter in Danger
Dr Phil (February 28, 2019) Pageant Mom Did She Put Her Daughter in Danger
Dr Phil (February 28, 2019) Pageant Mom Did She Put Her Daughter in Danger

Dr Phil (February 28, 2019)
Pageant Mom Did She Put Her Daughter in Danger
Dr Phil Full Episodes 2019
It’s not just pageants it’s dance moms as well especially competition dance moms I was on a dance team for years and would see the costumes girls would wear especially young girls. And the sexual dance moves. It made me so uncomfortable.
what the hell are they thinking!! let children BE CHILDREN!!! They grow way to fast already!! and it changes who they grow up to be! not to mention the danger they put them in!!
I don't see the "logic" pageant mothers have. The pageant-loving types I know raise their kids in a way that teaches how to be shallow & play dumb to be beautiful & so many pageant girls wish for world peace. It's a beautiful thought, but people will always fight. I'll do for my daughter one day what my parents did with me. When I was a kid & wanted to play beauty pageant, my mom would take old clothes out of the attic, let me dress up & wear her jewelry & my dad would take photos of me in not showy dresses. I even wore my mom's 1980's red prom dress. I had fun doing that & I don't see the logic in spending thousands of dollars on clothes you'll wear once & train to be shallow. This just doesn't make sense to me.
These 'pageants' are not for the children. It's all about the parents, especially the so-called mothers. It is absolutely disgusting how they exploit these children.
I was 16 when JonBenèt Ramsey was murdered. All because of a paedophile.
It still breaks my heart when I think about that poor little girl, who was sexualized for no reason.
I despise this sort of thing. Absolutely despise it! 😠
Pageants are such a weird American legacy. I really wish they would go away and fall out of fashion. They ARE exploitative for children and it's scary that the mom cannot see what she is doing to her children.
She doesn't need children she needs a doll to dress up and style it's hair. Not surprised she is obsessed with her children's look. She isn't exactly a beauty queen or anything near it, so she's vicariously living through her children.
This mom feels like a perfect example of why parents should have a written exam to be proven fit to y’know PARENT. You have to pass a test to drive a car but not to raise a human being? Humans are a lot more dangerous than cars!
She’s so proud about forcing her 2 month old on stage even though he didn’t want to...I just don’t understand. This is all about her, not what her children want so where does she get off being mad at the rest of the world for her own irresponsible actions?
She is a disgusting excuse of a mother!! She accepts no responsibility for putting her daughter in this situation. And it is ABSOLUTELY her fault.
Here we go again - somebody is trying to manipulate dr. phil, so we can forget the real issue and the child who is involved. This mother is putting her children in harms way, but there is no justification to spread the photos in some scum column even if the person in charge is a personal friend of dr phils.
If it's all about the kids ... why are they wearing make up? If they have to do pagents, why not prohibit artificial 'add-on's? Let the kids have fun being kids, not little adults. Personally, I think pagents are just as bad as zoos!
This is EXACTLY why I do not post very many pictures of my children at all. And to some people it may even seem I don’t have too much interest in my kids based off my Facebook page but I just don’t want strangepeople I do not know looking at pictures of my kids to me this is very weird. Especially when peoooe makes Facebook pages for their extremely young kids
Mom was so relieved when her children were born with "good hair"... Yikes lady.... I was watching an episode of FBI files and pedophiles love these pagents... They have their own fan pages with dates... locations... and times. The creepiest part was when they actually go pretending to be a proud dad or Grandpa just "taking pictures" like all the other "parents"... It's sick... and it's %100 legal...
You know really, they shouldn't even have these pageants for little kids. They're kids! There are way too many sickos out there, these parents might as well put them in catalog for these sickos and put them in real danger! Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!
I remember being in tap, ballet, jazzercise and other dance programs as a child. First was tap and they had us in little short poofy one pieces. Every outfit I wore was skin tight and I danced on a stage in front of tons of people. Thank God internet was new and there were only camera's, video tapes and eye's. So I have pictures of me at dance but even at my age I wouldn't put my pics online. My mom did my hair but never any makeup. I stopped around age 12. If they had hip hop classes or contemporary dancing back then I would have done that. As we got older they did cover us up more and never anything low cut or belly showing. I would never do pageants with my kids.
Dr Phil i need to get something off my chest..i love u but very disappointed with this show..you say you are the least judgmental person we would ever meet..but you were pretty judgemental with that pageant mom..i dont think it is a problem having children in pageants ..just like having them in sports..and i dont think she dresses her daughter provocatively..i think you were being bias with the guy that is the editor of dirty blog page..because you guys are friends..i think you both ganged up on the mom ..not cool
The mum sounded like a completely uneducated idiot on this. SHE made those photos available. She KNEW they weren’t locked. Putting a child in danger like this baffles me. Absolutely baffles me.
We have cheerleaders in this country now unfortunately (UK) that are between the ages of 6 - 16 (probably younger tbh) and dress like full grown women. There parents do exploit their kids. There’s no if, buts or why’s about it. They are putting their kids in bloody danger. Social services need to give the parents of children like these two choice. 1 - Get these kids off from these pageants, TV shows & internet or 2 - Have children removes from you’re care.
As a mother of three children, one of whom has been raped and sexually abused at a young age by a teacher and then raped by a pupil - this pageant thing infuriates me. You basically hand your child over to these pedophiles and they are getting off just watching your kids on TV never mind the other things she does to fuel it even more. The mother was a TOTAL hypocritical embarrassment on this show. I feel bad for these kids living out the pathetic mothers dream (which is blatantly obvious btw) 😤
Way back there was a child in.pagesnts simetching to my & many others thinking not merely exploitive living through your child BUT apart from.its obvious dangers Abusive and negligent. of protecting them . That child was Jon ,Beney Ransey and often the rather outlandish names show that parents are not seeing ahead to school environments and this is hardly the worst name given.a daughter . If parents cannot view their actions with true understanding then those children , Dr Phil wishing to keep families United notwithstanding, require intervention . Even with counseling the damage will remain
400 years or so ago we had friends with a 3.year old & both parents deliberate sexulization if her appaled us . They were literally prostituting her and yes we did comment on it to them.with as one would expect no alteration. By. 8 she paraded the fortunately very small town in inappropriate clothing & a fair we associated with certain.eomen in Piccadilly Circle in L ondon . Had we known what we know now would have taken further steps in spite of their Bing prominent in the county. Something we did do later with neighbours running illegal day care who locked their children.outside in inclement weather. Strongly believe in let & let live but sometimes we do need to intervene . Fortunately most of our frI ends etc have had the best interests of their offspring as the basis of their upbringing letting them developed their skills and hopes as far as they possibly could.
This mother is disgusting, just why? It just seems like she wants to live through her children, gross! Although I've heard this story a million times before. (unfortunately)
It’s definitely the mom’s fault for putting her daughter out there. If she’s gonna be mad at anyone it should be with herself! She put her kids out there for the world to see and yet she’s mad! She’s delusional! She exploited her daughter so now she’s mad at the site! Unbelievable this women is sick!
I have seen the mother in this Dr. Phil episode on Toddlers and Tiaras with her two children. Again....I was absolutely horrified.....not just with the fact that she bleached their teeth and stained the daughter's eyebrows, but just her BEHAVIOR.....I would even call it emotional abuse. She lavished favor and praise on her son, Braxton and kept going on about how handsome he was and how amazing he did in pageants, but for her daughter, Alaska, she kept criticizing her and putting her down. And then when pageant day came, it was Alaska who shined onstage and Braxton just stood there. It just made me feel really bad for her daughter.....if you have two kids in ANY competitive activity, as their mother, you should support BOTH of them equally. Don't favor one and dismiss the other. She wants to come on Dr. Phil and say this man is exploiting her daughter by putting a picture of her on his website....that this man used for a vile and disgusting act....but has she once considered that this picture wouldn't even exist had SHE HERSELF not paraded her child in front of thousands of people at this pageant? SHE allowed it by allowing her daughter to parade around in front of thousands of people in these costumes. She's allowing it again by going to the media about this situation and going on Dr. Phil about this situation rather than handling it privately. What did she think was going to happen? Did she think that ONLY innocent moms with their pageant children watch this show? You say the first link in this chain is the internet.....I can go on Google RIGHT NOW and type in your daughter's name and see DOZENS of images of your daughter.....all easily taken. No, the first link in the chain was formed when you, as a mom, decided to put your kids in the public eye.
I am sure there are may women who had wonderful experiences and learning moments in pageants, but I have a hard time seeing it. Don't get me wrong - I think it is a good thing to get kids comfortable with preforming in front of large crowds, learning to present themselves, but also learning an art or craft, hanging out with kids their own age, etc. I was in music, playing the piano and performing since I was 5yold, with some theatre class later on, and both of these experiences helped me gain confidence, make friends, and become interested in new and interesting things.
I just think that the competitive and cosmetic aspects of pageants don't do such a stellar job at those things. If everything is a competition, how can I expect my child to socialize and make friends? If the competition is all about how outrageous the makeup and costumes are, and how pretty somebody thinks you are, how can I expect my child to gain a healthy self-confidence?
These pagents been around for decades they are about hair makeup costumes and talent smh it's sickening where people minds are SMFH they are children for God's sake!. So that mean we shouldn't allow our children to do competition like gymnastics swimming track and field dancing and other things SMFH miss USA didn't wake up and just say I'm going to join a competition tommorow smh no. I just think kids are kids they are innocent. Granted a lot of sick people out there but if your going to have your child in that type of atmosphere they need to be taught and drilled well about safety strangers touching and other things if not keep your baby out of THAT lifestyle!!!
She is pissed because this man has put this mother in the position to reflect on what is happening more than they could probably ever imagine. YOU put your child on a public television show, and publicly displayed her dressed up like a stripper. I worry about posting photos of my child on social media in normal children’s clothing. You just never, ever know who is looking, or their intentions. You are hinting where you live all over the place too!!! This ought to be a wake up call, 110%. This is a terrible scenario for this kid, but it’s not even the worst. I would not be shocked if her photos are in far worse places.
When I was a small child, I wore overalls, played with Legos and My Little Pony, loved turning over rocks just to watch all the creepy-crawlies scurry out, and never wanted to wash my face, let alone have makeup caked over it (like most other girls I knew growing up, I didn't even try wearing makeup until I was 12 or 13). Childhood is a precious time you can never get back; let kids be kids! Let them eat junk food, get messy, play outside and with toys, and enjoy themselves!
The point everyone is missing is it should not be legal for any photo of a child to be on an adult only wedsite! If her child's photo was on that site then anyones children photo's could be allowed on it! A Pedophile isn't going to turn down an opportunity with a child because their appropriately dressed! Phil is avoiding the bigger picture on this issue! Its not ok her child's photo's on there no matter what she's wearing! " look at what your daughter was wearing" for justifying his reason on why her childs photo is on an adult site, point is shes a child and it's not ok. Now other children could be at risk and there are no repercussions. that is like saying " she was asking to get raped because of what she was wearing" so take it easy on the rapest. I don't think girls should wear anything that shows to much skin not because it protrays they are slutty, but because their safety is compromised due to predators and people who lack self control. You can't control or change what others do, but you can control and change what you do, no protesting or complaining publicly will make this a rape free world, so making small sacrifice for your safety is the only option in your control and the realistic solution to this issue and getting your concealed to carry will also dramatically decrease the chances of being raped, reason being majority of convicted rapest stated in a study to educate girls on how to avoid falling victim to rape, they wouldn't of prusued a women if she fought back, yelled or screamed, had a weapon, or acted aggressive in anyway.
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