Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil Full Episodes 51 || Fugitive Mom || February 26, 2019

Dr Phil Full Episodes 51 || Fugitive Mom || February 26, 2019
Dr Phil Full Episodes 51 || Fugitive Mom || February 26, 2019
Dude hid behind his wife? And she got hurt? That's pretty shitty. My husband would push me out of the way. Granted, I don't know what that situation is like but I have a hard time wrapping my head around that.
Did no one read the end of the episode?! The dad decided NOT to do the polygraph test!!!! - He molested his daughter, as a father you would take that test, and no attorney would say not to do the test unless he knew it would impact him badly. - This woman was right all along, no father on earth would not take the test if he was innocent. Poor girl.

Having worked in the mental health field, it was pretty well known that CPS drops the ball at times. One incident involved a mother who was reported for abusing her daughter physically. Multiple investigations by CPS, whose workers had such big caseloads that they couldn't always do a thorough job & some were just lazy. The CPS workers sometimes question the child in front of the abuser, so of course the child denies the abuse because they will be more abused after CPS leaves. Anyway, the incident I'm recounting...what happened? Yep, the mother ended up beating her daughter to death. The public needs to understand this. This mother admits she was not in her right mind during the attack, but seems reasonable, calm & in reality during this show. 
The father should also drop the charges, no father who cares about his daughter would want her mother behind bars, no matter how much you hated the woman. The man is guilty, not taking that test and wanting her in jail speaks volumes. I hate this man, there is something really not right with him. 
Despite what she did which obviously was wrong, this lady strikes me as calm, and somehow reasonable. The fact that she herself asked for a lie detection test strikes me as like she is not trying to hide anything and that she is truly convinced of her daughter's molestation. She does seem to care for her daughter's wellbeing. She obviously also did the reasonable thing by giving herself up voluntarily. Although not admissible in most courts, is it not odd that the father refused to take the polygraph test?🤔 
Daddy should have taken the lie detector test regardless of what the lawyer said. By refusing it makes it seem fishy and doesn’t give this mother closure she desperately needs. Now hopefully she gets mental help instead of just being shipped off to prison which will not help her. 
Why on earth would this guy refuse a lie detector?? She said she would stop accusing him if he passed it, so what does he have to lose???? If he failed it she’s going to accuse him still anyway... he probably did touch the daughter.... well he hid behind his wife, what does that say about this POS??? 
Thank you for all your time and effort in uploading these episodes !! (I cut the cable long ago and pick and choose what to watch via internet/streaming..etc) Unfortunately the station Dr. Phil. is on is not one I can finagle. These episodes are great (and sometimes give a chance to research/follow-up). KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK (and I'm sure it is time/effort work). Thank You..., Subscribed..., Don't Stop!! 
This is what happens all the time to fathers in family court. You don’t see most of them acting out in this way, but if women are much more likely to snap if their kids are removed. Why didn’t she get custody in the first place? Maybe there was an inequality in lawyer representation. The family courts and divorce have destroyed the American family. I’m not exonerating her, but parents are driven to do crazy things when they’re forcibly separated from their children. This is why I never plan on divorcing my husband. I never want either of us or the kids to be deprived of their parents. That being said, I think this lady is just desperate to have control over the situation. I’m not sure what her relationship pattern has consisted of. Did she just have one husband/baby daddy? Or more? I dunno, just seems fishy. I tend to side with fathers until I see the evidence against them bc women pull the sexual abuse card all the time to gain the upper hand in custody battles. It was selfish of her to put her brother and parents in jeopardy. Incredibly. She’s so lucky to have such a supportive family. 
I just watched this episode of Dr. Phil. As a divorced woman, I can understand her temporary loss of reasoning the night she attacked her ex and his now wife. This lady had everything taken from her by a Narcissist and a woman who stepped into her shoes and with no thought of what it was doing to this woman, mother of four children.Th ex wife presented herself with dignity and answered all questions calmly and rationally. Eight years--what an injustice in our court system, while the Narcissist ex, possibly a child molester, is walking freely - without concern for the mother of his children. Let this mother out of jail..put him (ex) in . For what...for being a Prick that didn't keep his family together! 
Yeah, that sounds smart. U suspect sexual abuse, so, u attack your ex so that u can go to jail leaving him with custody of ur daughter.....dumbass! Very clever! Also, I don't know what her brother is talking about. He said it'd be a nightmare for her to get caught because of the bond, but if she doesn't get caught, whoever signed for her and the collateral they put up would be forfeit to the bond company. So, what does he mean????? The best thing to do is turn herself in so the family is not on the hook for the bond, and she can get an attorney to fight on her behalf. I don't see anyone finding her guilty of attempted murder. Especially if she has records supporting her suspicions as well as the serious reason she did what she did. I think the most would be felony assault. However, she has to take care of it and quit doing dumb shit!!!


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