Monday, March 11, 2019

Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil March,10,2019 .

 Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil March,10,2019 .
 Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil March,10,2019 .
I think Dr Phil has this all wrong. No woman who has been treated as badly as she has could continue to love a man like that. His "flaws" are huge and for most women, they would be dealbreakers in a marriage. If I was this woman, I'd be waiting with bated breath for my divorce from this creep to be finalized. She deserves so much better than him. That's also true for the children. He's far too emotionally immature to be a husband or a father. This marriage cannot and should not be saved.
crying like a child after losing their favorite toy??? THOSE WEREN'T YOURS TO SELL!!! IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT SHE DOESN'T WEAR THEM OFTEN!!! omg, this guy is ridiculous...

This guy behaves like an 8 year old. No exaggeration. Not a teenager, an 8 year old. He does nasty stuff and when she reacts, he takes that as the starting point and everything he does afterwards is just a defence. He is a slimy turd.
this prick is a total MUPPET, NOTHING MORE THAN A PIG.. so glad his wife is divorcing this waste of space, the only thing funny about him is his testicles being in the wrong place, they are under his EYES, its him that needs surgery.
That guy is a real asshole! She'll be well shed of him. Hopefully, this will serve as a warning for any other woman who meets him. If he did it to his first wife, he'll do it again and again. This guy is the ultimate loser. Why that woman had children with him is a mystery to me.
Don’t believe a thing this narcissist says he doesn’t want a divorce because of child support. Once you break the trust with infidelity you never get it back. KARMA is a bitch and she knows where you live mate. Don’t be a fool and take him back I can’t believe Dr Phill’s recommendation.


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