Saturday, March 9, 2019

Dr Phil Season 2019 Best Case 172

 Dr Phil Season 2019 Best Case 172
 Dr Phil Season 2019 Best Case 172

Hmmm that FORMER police captains daughter has NO RIGHT unless she is in the investigation profession...she is too nosy ..all the assumptions she is giving is what she is being told or believed...does she remember what it's like when she or anyone has sibling rivalry...when I was growing up I was shy and I was always hating and loving my siblings....but never killed them...that lady is way over the line...the reason why she had no emotion at her funeral is prolly cause she never been to one prior to that...I remember going to my first funeral...I sat there not crying and it was my great grandmother who passed ...didnt know what to do or how to act...this so called lady needs to mind her own business ...and the town needs to reopen the case and get REAL investigators in not this former policeman daughter

When the police and/or paramedics arrived was the 13 year old covered in blood?  Had she changed her clothing?  Was the clothing she changed from found?   Did she have blood under her fingernails ? Had she a gash on her hand from slippage of the murder weapon?

It's heartbreaking that the younger sister had to live under a cloud of suspicion for all those years.  Small towns can be lovely places to live but they can also be hotbeds of malicious gossip and innuendo.  The woman doing the accusing seemed to feel that being the daughter of someone who worked in law enforcement somehow granted the expertise to accuse an innocent woman of murder without knowing any of the facts.  One can only hope she's learned a valuable lesson but somehow I doubt it.

WOW. These women need to find something to do in that small town....other than putting bitch bites up and down this poor woman. My sister was killed a block from our family house when she was 15, and I was the same way as this woman was at the funeral of her sister. It was like I was on "pause" and waiting to wake up from the nightmare I was in. But I can tell you that if ANYONE had accused me of killing my sister, I would have beat the hell out of them for it.  Little miss detective sitting there is lucky she can still have teeth in her mouth and I give a ton of credit to that lady for sitting there and having to listen to her spew that crap about her and her sister and not do anything.  They would have had to tear me off of that bitch, for sure if it was me sitting there across from her having to listen to that idiot. And my goodness, what will little miss detective do NOW that she can't blame this woman for her sister being stabbed to death anymore? What will her life entail? People in that small town better be careful...LMD just might pull some other old crimes out of the microfiche newspapers at the local library, looking for her next criminal to bring into the light of her pseudo justice blog. Yes, I am joking here but damn that woman is one nasty piece of work!


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