Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) I Married My Sister's Boyfriend and It's Time She Moves on

Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) I Married My Sister's Boyfriend and It's Time She Moves on
Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) I Married My Sister's Boyfriend and It's Time She Moves on
Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) I Married My Sister's Boyfriend and It's Time She Moves on Dr Phil Full Episodes 2019 Best Watch
I feel so sorry for the sister that got left behind. The sister that allowed the man into her home should have said no I refuse to cheat with you and I'm telling my sister what a lowlife you are so she can find a better man. Now she is stuck with a cheater. And the first sister is all alone and still in love

Just telling someone to move on and get over it is dismissive and doesn't acknowledge their hurt. The person needs closure and cant get it if this is the attitude.

Sister did her a huge favor. Too bad she can't see that. When my best friend slept with my abusive cheating husband, I thanked her then walked away laughing. I never once gave either of them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I've been married to a great man who owns a successful business for the last 8 years and my former husband and "best friend" are both single, poor and miserable. The best revenge is to live well and be happy!!
Not to sound callous or anything but neither of them would get the satisfaction of knowing that I'm hurt. It's obvious that they don't care so what's the point of expressing it to them? Go see a therapist,cry in your room, but don't show sorrow in front of pple that hurt you intentionally, they enjoy it. If she were my sister, I'd congratulate her and she'd NEVER see me again. 
Is anyone else concerned that the cousins are also half siblings? messed up! My heart goes out to Angel she didn’t deserve that .. especially from her sister, I honestly don’t know if they’ll ever heal their relationship, plus she gets the added bonus of having it thrown in her face every day, but I feel like she’ll move on when she meets someone who’ll treat her better 
Please tell me that the young woman in the second part is NOT the norm these days. Really, she's totally freaked out at the idea that someone in the world might be better looking than her? How utterly narcissistic, just amazing.
Trashy sister... not only did she cheat with her sister’s man, but she got knocked up with his kid?! How will that niece or nephew be affected by this? Imagine the future stories he’ll eventually hear about his conception lol... tragic. Omg the cousins will also be half siblings! Gag. Christ this is MESSY. 
Honestly, I don't blame the man for leaving her. If this is how she acts, I would have left her too. Would I have cheated on her? No. With her sister? Double no. The lady who got cheated is bitter, understandably so, but she doesn't want to let it go, which is a problem because she can't move on like that. She doesn't want her sister to apologize, she wants to stay upset because she wants someone to blame. She's combative and not being receptive, which isn't the behavior of someone who wants to talk and find common ground. Even when Dr. Phil talked to her, she kept trying to talk over him. The sister seems meek and like she doesn't talk back, and the lady who got cheated on seems to take advantage of that. I hope they work something out for the sake of the kids. 
He was with her for 7 years and has children with him back in my day that was considered a "common law marriage " so the disgusting sister has no care no remorse for breaking up her very own sisters relationship, it doesn't matter if it was rocky between them, she's her sister , she crossed so many lines I don't think that if that was my sister I wouldn't be able to forgive her or have any relationship with her at least for a very very long time, just so I could get away and heal, I'd have to have a 3rd party do the pickup and drop off with the children and I wouldn't want to hear about them or hear their names. Just for my own mental health and overall well-being. I mean damn she didn't just fuck him one drunken night......she fell in love popped out kids and married her sister's children's father. His apologies and her disgusting sisters apologies will never be enough it'll never be ok. They are wrong and they do not deserve to be forgiven. You don't have to have any contact with the children other parent, find a way to set it up. 
'Nuff said below on two-timing sister but mom was so elequent and showed a true Christian view of things. Mom's ultimately carry the pain of the world on their shoulders. Poor sister #1. She deserves to be angry but she really needs to let go. The poor kids! Everyone knows what angry children with no guidance turn into when they become teenagers. Not all but a lot of them. Since she is very religious, she should really seek out pastoral help to get through her deep pain. Good luck to sister #2. Wonder if dude has any more kids? He probably will eventually. Why doesn't he use protection? 
If my sister slept with my boyfriend/ babies father I wouldn't forgive either of them. Their both as bad as each other. I understand the pain from your sister would hurt more then your partner but I kind of feel the sister has got all the blame. She didn't do this by herself. Whoever tried it on with who the other was more then willing to be a part of it. Shame on the both of them! Disgusting, respectful and just plain wrong...just my opinion 
The funny things about forgiveness, it’s not about creating a relationship with the one that hurt you. But to set yourself free from all the bad things that is tying you down, so you can move on. She can forgive her sister for what she did, but that doesn’t mean she has to see her again. She can rebuilt her life again with her children by herself and hopefully find love once again.
The girls who rely on their looks are delirious. The brunette is clearly the more attractive of the two and the blonde is... yeah..
I feel bad for Angel I'm not sure I could ever get over my sister taking my man away from me. She can do so much better though go on Christian mingle 😂. The two idiots at the end in my best dr Phil voice....ahem....ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!??!


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