Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil Feb 24 2019 ▶ I Am Convinced My Beautiful Wife Is Poisoning Me With Borax! Who Did I Marry

Dr Phil Feb 24 2019 ▶ I Am Convinced My Beautiful Wife Is Poisoning Me With Borax! Who Did I Marry
Dr Phil Feb 24 2019 ▶ I Am Convinced My Beautiful Wife Is Poisoning Me With Borax! Who Did I Marry
I don't get the hate towards this guy...I mean yes he is completely wrong, and making false accusations, and yes he has problems and needs help, but that's what a thorough evaluation (cellular, tissue, blood) will determine...what's going on and what he needs. If he has mental illness or other cognitive problems, that's not his fault, and he has been suffering for a long time. I do wish him luck.

This guy does come over as nasty and arrogant but he is ill... one comment said Dr Phil should have thrown him off the stage. Doctor Phil KNEW this man was ILL not Bad, not, CRAZY, but sick and Dr Phil HELPS People who Dont know they are ill thats why he was NOT thrown off the stage... Comments like this are totally wrong, god I am no Shrink but I knew right away this Poor guy is ill.. his wife said it, he was Kind, loving and a great dad... she KNOWS something has gone terribly wrong he CANNOT HELP the way he is behaving, he is NOT a bad person, he is a sick person who desperately needs help! I hope they helped him.

I had a hallucination in ICU once. It seemed like reality. I know it wasn't because the person I heard arguing in the hall with my husband was in another state at the time. My husband was also at work. It really gave me a huge understanding of how much our reality is based on a healthy brain. His brain is obviously far from healthy. That said she needs to protect herself and their children because he is not functioning in reality and could come to believe anything. He could decide the kids aren't his and need taken out to punish mom for cheating. He could decide to poison mom back. Anything. I feel for his wife since it was obvious he used to be a different man and she's trying to be so understanding and hopeful that the old husband can come back.
Wierd. My roommate had a brain injury when he was younger. He always talks about how his kid's grandparents tried to poison him to get money from him and take his kid. That's almost all he talked about. Well... like what if you're wrong? And yelling that at the social worker doesn't help your case at all. His kid got taken away. He is not very stable. The poisoning grandparents have custody now.
This is a very dangerous situation as if he really beleives shes poisoning him he could kill her she hasnt ran from him because she married him and vowed in sickness and health to support him if this was me i wouldnt stay in house with him but would contact all relevant people to get him treated and better i hope it all worked out for them both
Schizophrenia Is what he is...My ex-husband did the same thing to me...he accused me of trying to poison him and I finally told him if I was going to I would have succeeded...He saved his fingernails and armpit hair for years...and I found them and threw it away not knowing what he was doing with it and he lost it and accused me of getting rid of evidence...He'd say..I'm going to turn you in to the FBI...I'd say...PLEASE DO...I finally told him that if I DIE I have letters written out to every official in this country and I have friends that will send them out upon my death...that finally shut him up 
this guy is so lucky. he has a beautiful wife and such a future. i really wish I had access to some clinic to help with my panic attacks ( no clue why i have them, im clueless) when you get offered help... for crying out loud take it. id scale rocks to have that opportunity 
A husband in Orange County had a wife who got progressively ill & eventually died (or almost died)...guess what was eventually found? Hubby was putting a poison in her mascara. So, a spouse CAN do stuff like this, denying it all the way. Just cause Dr. Phil thinks he's a medical expert, he isn't an M.D. at all. Kidney stones cause tremendous pain, which were not a symptom he had. Husband said his urine/blood was not tested for Borax. He also said when he ate the food he bought & kept safe, the symptoms stopped. She may not be poisoning him, but I don't think he's crazy. Showing a bag on stage doesn't prove anything, because if he got some every day, it would build up in the system. Watch some of the forensic shows where wives put anti-freeze in husbands food/drink & it often wasn't found right away by docs. There are many different tests for poisons, the doctors have to know what to test for. If husband is mentally ill, then ok, but dismissing him out of hand might not be wise.
Poor guy is delusional and Dr Phil knows god damned well that his brain surgery has something to do with this. At first I thought he was doing reality testing but no. He shouldn’t have even put him on the show. Pathetic.


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