Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil Feb 26, 2019 Full Episodes 54 || Don't Give My Daughter Money She is Lying about Dying from Cancer

Dr Phil Feb 26, 2019 Full Episodes 54 || Don't Give My Daughter Money She is Lying about Dying from Cancer
Dr Phil Feb 26, 2019 Full Episodes 54 || Don't Give My Daughter Money She is Lying about Dying from Cancer
Dr Phil Full Episodes 54 || Don't Give My Daughter Money She is Lying about Dying from Cancer Feb 26, 2019
My husband died of stomach cancer. By the time symptoms appear it’s already at stage4, therefore inoperable so incurable. It takes 9 months to take your life. That’s 9 months of hell. I detest people like her. Maybe she needs a real health scare to take her mind off her fantasies & stop insulting real sufferers.
It doesn't make sense that someone claiming to have cancer wouldn't be under the care of a team of physicians and undergoing some form of treatment. The idea that doctors would refuse to treat a person because her mother was asking questions is ludicrous. This young woman is either lying through her teeth or, she's completely delusional.
The daughter shows facial features of FASD..this behaviour fits the picture. She's not capable of connecting cause-effect, thus she does not realize that coming on national TV will simply 'out' her lying/fantasizing behaviour. She probably believes half of her lies/fantasies as well (magic thinking where distinction between fantasy and reality is not clear to the person). Expressive language development masks a very low level of thinking and fuctioning.

People who lie about illnesses and cancer or brain tumors to get money and symphathy make me so angry and I just don't know why.. as someone who was diagnosed at 20 or so with a pituitary tumor and Cushing's disease.. after 13 surgeries, ten years of remission but now I have Addison's disease which is because my pituitary is dead. I lost friends, family my job. So much. I couldn't bring myself to make a GoFundMe me page. I mean money is super tight but I'll get through. And all I could think of was so I could get another dog because it's a comfort to me.. my dog now needs a friend... And it helps me emotionally.. but I just don't get it. It is insulting to those of us who are really suffering and dealing with physical and emotional trauma. She's caught give it up your lying lady. We live in world now where people say anything to get what they want. Everytime she opens her mouth is all to cover her ass of lie. I pray she gets her life straight and for her family who's she's put through all this emotional abuse.
My ex-husband lied about cancer twice and then set up a Go Fund Me account for fake cancer surgery that he never needed or had but the real reason was so he could raise money to get to the Ukraine to try to get a mail order bride.
watched my brother die of cancer and 7 months later i watched my mu die from the same thing, i am currently waiting for surgery as i have FAP polyps that will turn cancerous if my duodenum is not removed, i am currently at spigelman stage 4 ( this is the stages of polyps prior to cancer) there is no stage 5...I Have also lost a life long friend to cancer and my sister in laws dad recently died due to cancer..The suffering i have seen due to cancer has been heart breaking and i struggle with my loss every day so to hear this stupid girl say she has cancer when she hasnt got it angers me so much. She should be locked up in a mental hospital as she need some serious help and all money she has gained through gofundme should be returned and she should be charged with fraud and deception. I had dilated loops " loops in fact and i can tell you it was painful and i had surgery to correct it, i was in and out of hospital in 5 days.
"My biggest fear with my heart is having a stroke...." Ummmmm. I always thought a stroke was a bleed in the brain? She also had a baby with no uterus? Oh dear. I'm so disgusted with this 'woman'. (As I'm sure every other person who has fought cancer is disgusted and insulted by her, too) 
I'm fn pissed! I've lost friends, family, loved ones and even ppl that Might have just been in my life for a moment to cancer and here she is faking that she has cancer. She's fn sick and needs to get help. Gold digging and attention seeking is all she is. This is LOW. 
Anxiety can give you symptoms that if you fear illness you'll believe it has happened and no one can tell you different. I think this woman suffers Mental Anxiety. And needs help for this not punishment. 
From a person who has general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, agrogphobia, depression, dyspraxia, ibs, raynauds, reoccurring tendinitis and a few other issues too much to list , apart from this now, barely anyone knows. I would never fake cancer or any illness, I hide things as I'd prefer not to have these issues but I do my best, I just don't understand people who fake deadly illnesses, what I deal with is nothing compared to people facing these battles, they're heroes to me ! This lady needs help. 
I can’t even get through all this. I’ve got a condition that affects all my organs including my brain and I have to go to the Dr every week and the hospital every week for tests and infusions. My last bone marrow biopsy was dreadful so I’m scared witless as to the next big appointment at the hospital. I need multiple biopsies on my liver, gut, lower bowel. I’ve had 9 cysts removed years back. I’m off work two years now but am hoping to get back next year when my treatment regime has been sorted out. I go to the gym to keep myself at my best (not a hard workout for some but huge for me) Why???? Why would you WANT this! The cancer thing gets many of my family and friends have passed because of this heinous disease 😡 
While she may be a fraud-- as someone with a chronic condition, I don't like how he uses medical records as though every record is going to be correct. MANY times, even if the doctor diagnoses correctly which is not something I'm accustomed to, medical records are straight up wrong or conflicting, whether because it's something that was generated automatically (most common), transcription accident, mix-up, incompetence, etc. (And no, I'm not undiagnosed and looking for an excuse-- I am correctly diagnosed after many years of appointments. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is notoriously hard to diagnose.) I had a record say that I told them that I couldn't have ANY AIR in my lungs or they would pop (I said that the pressure of my CPAP was making my ears pop). I've had records say that I looked and acted like a man, which is subjective and just weird (I'm a 5'0" female with DD breasts and long hair). I had an ER record say that I used marijuana when I did not and had gone in for ear problems. I've had a record say that I had multiple concurrent ongoing benzo scrips when I've had zero other than one pill for an MRI once. I never, ever trust medical records until I've reviewed them myself. EVERYONE with a serious health condition should get a copy of their medical records (don't just get them off the patient portal, that's not your real records. Go to the front desk, ask for a release of records HIPAA form, and turn it in. The law in the USA is that they have to give them to you on a CD or over email for no more than the cost of the labor hours to put them on there, so it should be $15 or less, don't let them charge you per page). That said, I don't think she's an out and out fraud. I think she believes she has an undiagnosed condition and knowing how easy it is to get lost in the medical system, I feel for her. She probably has come to her own conclusions about what she has, believes it's the truth, and is prematurely telling people that she has it. For what it's worth, I have actually had doctors see me in a way that was documented incorrectly for insurance purposes, many times.
I hope Lynn gets a gastric emptying study done - gastroparesis could be causing this and, while it's very hard to watch her, from my own experience, delusions can easily develop when you can't eat, vomit all the time, and feel intense pain. Too many doctors, even GI specialists, onl y see gastroparesis as a consequence of type 2 diabetes, and, because diabetic GP tends to be milder, our specialists end up missing the diagnosis, which requires a very strict diet and is not a disease that is easy to manage. I would not donate to this lady and her lies are destructive, but I can feel compassion for her. When you are starving, rational thought is very hard to maintain. For awhile, I thought I had a curse like in the movie "Thinner" and it all felt very real and logical. She needs a good, solid diagnosis and treatment and I hope she gets that. 
If she is so sick, how can she be the mother of 4 children living at home??? She wouldnt be able to function at all in a normal home situation, eg: making school lunches, taking kids to training, picking them up from school, doing their washing and shopping???? Geeeez what a liar. I think she has some serious mental condition because she is contradicting everything she has said on the earlier tape. Wow.
Omg people are so dumb!!!!!! Especially the doctor who said she needs to just stop taking the Benzos she is clearly addicted to!!! Getting off Xanax without weening will lead to delusional psychosis! They believe things that are not true! She needs to be properly evaluated maybe she needs some form of Benzos to live sanely. I know this from watching first hand so this is how I know what is going on! Poor girl needs proper treatment not D.R. Phil acting like she is purposely doing this and not understanding what’s actually going on. 
When all the medical "facts" are revealed as false, she would be better off breaking down in tears, and asking for help. But no, she carries on, despite the fact that everything is false. She 99% for sure HAS told her kids she is going to die. She needs serious help. 
My mom LIED and STILL LIES abt having cancer. At one point, she did have breast cancer stage 1, I spent 1-year taking care of her. When she was in remission I went home, so thankful. 2 years later she claimed it was back, AT STAGE 4. I rented out my home, sold everything but what fit in a 4x6 trlr, quit my job and moved 3100 miles to take care of her, like she asked, as she "wanted to die at home." I wanted to give her her last wish so I went. I found out it was ALL lies after 14 months of taking care of her, she was STILL IN REMISSION, yet telling everyone she was dying. Nothing has ever made me so sick, worse I couldn't tell anyone the truth because I worked for her as a licensed (thru the state) home care aide and was NOT allowed to disclose anything abt her medically by law or I would go to jail. I BEGGED her to tell the truth to her family & friends to no avail. She wanted the sympathy and free stuff that came along with "dying". Her landlord, who is 12 years older even began paying her trash & water bill, despite having cancer herself (REAL cancer), because my mom cried abt being sick and broke. I left and have terminated my relationship with her, I know she is mentally ill yet after 4 years I had to accept that she refuses to tell the truth or get help. She is still telling everyone she is dying of cancer. I did break the law and speak out after 4 years but she tells the family I am lying. This woman makes me feel just as sick. I can't forgive lies like that! Her poor mom!!!
For the last 3 yrs I have been checked every 6 months for melanoma... I also spent at least a week in the hospital for the last 3 yrs...Because they found I suffered a heart attack and now I have lung heart disease ... I just spent 43 days in the hospital because I couldn't breath and my heart was acting up... I take 4 kinds of heart pills 2 and 3 times a day...Then you get a faker looking for MONEY and she bought smokes with the $80.
Oh good Lord, I have severe migraines, I have I.B.S., I have trouble with female parts (bleed WAY too much), I have diverticulitis, I get cysts, I have Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease, Sciatica, an annular tear in my spine, scar tissue in my sacroiliac joint (very painful), several other things. I don't want people knowing all that, I don't tell people. I don't walk with a limp if I can help it. I mean DAMN. Lots of people have LOTS of things. I worry about ovarian cysts but I don't let it ruin my life. 
What I think is going on: She's addicted to benzodiazepines and opioids. She's experiencing inter-dose withdrawals, and she's probably using her fake diagnoses to get benzos (xanax, clonopin, valium, etc.) from doctors. She's also using Norco, which besides the hydrocodone also contains acetominophen, which wrecks your stomach and organs. That explains the stomach problems and sickly appearance. Plus, the depression, anxiety, panic attacks and heart problems are due to the benzo withdrawal. She takes the xanax and the withdrawal goes away, but she perceives it as her symptoms getting better (stomach etc.). I bet the heart problems also come out when she's not experiencing withdrawal, in the form of palpitations and heart arrhythmia, which can again lead to panic attacks and depression, because it can feel like you're dying. So she kinda feels on death's door anyway, so why not just lie about it if you can get secondary gain out of it? Meaning sympathy and more benzos and norco, which got you into that mess in the first place? Now, the dynamic between her and her mother is seemingly a bit dysfunctional. Her mother is a bit controlling and probably not too empathetic towards her daughter, and they both overcompensate now. The mother is very aggressive and confrontational, and the daughter is resentful and closed off. That plays into it as well. Note how Dr. Phil sent her to a drug rehab. That tells you everything you need to know. He correctly recognized her physical and psychological dependence on benzodiazepines. I just hope they taper her off extremely slowly off the benzos, meaning over the course of months.

I had to have an emergency surgery at age 12. My ovary and tube was removed. I'm 35 yrs old and I remember that pain like it was yesterday. Trust me when I say I still deal with the trauma of that happening at such a young age. For her to sit and lie about that with proof her organs are in tact makes me furious. I actually have alternating ibs, two vertebrae in my lower back that are slipping forward and am in severe pain EVERY day. I don't wallow in self pity I live my life just as anyone else. I have a host of medical issues. I take my pain meds only when I need them. I often go without bc I refuse to be an addict. I refuse to sleep my life away with those pills. She should be happy that she doesn't have those problems. She needs mental help, bc she obviously doesn't see the positives of not having chronic health problems. For those of us who are really going through these things this is very offensive. There are people with cancer who refuse to ask for help, but she lies to get money playing on the sympathy of others. She is the reason why people are leery of helping one another. I hope she gets the help she needs that's about the only positive commentary I can send her way... 
I wonder how she functions daily and takes care of those poor kids when she's living as if she's so sick every day. I was diagnosed with ACTUAL MS when my kids were 6 months old and 17 months old (yes they're only 11 months apart, lol) and I have fought every day to be a mom and a wife and function so they have a happy normal life. And they are now four and five. And they don't know when I get IV meds or go to the hospital. It's not for them to know. What is even wrong with her?? A treatable heart condition that she doesn't treat and she's living like she's dying. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 
This woman could be a kissing cousin to my husband. He uses double-speak and lies and the most amazing thing about that is after a few minutes, he starts believing his lies and will not continue talking to me! He has had no discernible physical problems for decades, yet he continues to lie about them. Its unbelievably ridiculous and especially since I've been a nurse for years! This has made me have to challenge everything he says and then stand astounded as he walks away to sulk about it. It is the weirdest thing to witness. This woman could be a kissing cousin to my husband. He uses double-speak and lies and the most amazing thing about that is after a few minutes, he starts believing his lies and will not continue talking to me! He has had no discernible physical problems for decades, yet he continues to lie about them. Its unbelievably ridiculous and especially since I've been a nurse for years! This has made me have to challenge everything he says and then stand astounded as he walks away to sulk about it. It is the weirdest thing to witness.
If she's not lying her fool head off then she truly has a mental illness. I've known people that want sympathy from being the sickest person in the room. I have a close family member that is like that and it is MADDENING. The more medicines that doctors will give him the better. Always 'woe is me', if someone has a limp, his is worse. If someone coughs, he starts up with a gutteral cough and such. If someone is dizzy, he's so dizzy he can't stand and acts like he's going to fall. ETC. There are some people that just seem to get one illness after another, I've known people like that too. She referred to herself as a life size "Operation" kids game. 
If she's not lying her fool head off then she truly has a mental illness. I've known people that want sympathy from being the sickest person in the room. I have a close family member that is like that and it is MADDENING. The more medicines that doctors will give him the better. Always 'woe is me', if someone has a limp, his is worse. If someone coughs, he starts up with a gutteral cough and such. If someone is dizzy, he's so dizzy he can't stand and acts like he's going to fall. ETC. There are some people that just seem to get one illness after another, I've known people like that too. She referred to herself as a life size "Operation" kids game.
This woman could be a kissing cousin to my husband. He uses double-speak and lies and the most amazing thing about that is after a few minutes, he starts believing his lies and will not continue talking to me! He has had no discernible physical problems for decades, yet he continues to lie about them. Its unbelievably ridiculous and especially since I've been a nurse for years! This has made me have to challenge everything he says and then stand astounded as he walks away to sulk about it. It is the weirdest thing to witness.
She should be criminally charged for any money received through her go fund me page! How dare she claim she has cancer, and suck vulnerable people in to donate. She would be dead if she was as sick as she claims.... and there is NO WAY drs anywhere would NOT have her followed up with appointments, tests, operations and some sort of TREATMENT! They would be sued for malpractice or medical negligence!!!!! This is a sickening slap in the face to those who have, and had cancer of any kind. And it turns people off generously donating to GENUINE sufferers!!!!!!


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