Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dr Phil S17E131 || T.e.I.I.i.n.g T.h.e T.r.u.t.h (March 21, 2019)

 Dr Phil S17E131 || T.e.I.I.i.n.g T.h.e T.r.u.t.h (March 21, 2019)
 Dr Phil S17E131 || T.e.I.I.i.n.g T.h.e T.r.u.t.h (March 21, 2019)

He is definitely innocent the grandma's body language say everything no tear she looks scared the whole show. Additionally, she is nodding yes when she is saying she didn't lie about these result ur word can lie but ur body language can't lie
Children's services must have been involved and police also. A waste of time and the gran should be held accountable for her actions. The child should be also be assessed for her mental health.

Wow! She has no idea the amount of pain she has caused. Although, he was proved innocent he will still have to live with that stigma and fight with the courts because she lied. The daughter is brainwashed if she believes her mother didn't lie! That would be the last day my mother saw my child or me.


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