Friday, March 8, 2019

Dr Phil Show Mar 08,2019 || S17E121 : The Master Mentalist

Dr Phil Show Mar 08,2019 || S17E121 : The Master Mentalist
Dr Phil Show Mar 08,2019 || S17E121 : The Master Mentalist

How is a heroin addict, who just had a baby born addicted to heroin... allowed to take her baby home? And for 6 years, that shit went on? I'm not blaming the sister, because she stepped in and took on that burden, when she didnt have to. But SOMEBODY should've noticed this sooner. Also GODDAMN that "mother" looks like a wrinkly 60 year old woman. Like the walking dead. It legitimately looks like the "father" is dating a senior citizen. Holy shit. Stay off the heroin kids.

This show bullies mentality I’ll people with long standing complicated issues. We yap about mental illness and scream at it when it’s exposed!!!

Since children learn what they live, should addicts even be allowed to have children??? Dr Phil has said that children grow up to emulate their same-sex parent thereby creating more addicts drawing from the already overburdened Health Care System, does it make any sense that addicts be allowed to procreate? Addicts are unable to think straight. Let's look at the bigger picture here.


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