Monday, March 11, 2019

Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil March,10,2019 HD

 Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil March,10,2019 HD
 Dr Phil 03/10/2019 | Dr Phil March,10,2019 HD

the lights aren't even on with them, let alone anyone being home, lmao...this is ridiculous

I believe that we all parents have this problem if our children don’t take responsibility and start to count on us. I’m very grateful for Dr. Phil to raise this subject so parents can prevent this from happening in the future and to stop it for those who live like this as we speak. I love your shows Dr. Phil, I’ve learned so incredibly much about different things and I’ve changed as a person as well to the better. Thank you very much for all you do, God bless you ❤️❤️❤️


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