Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil (February 28, 2019) My Mom Ruined My Life by Keeping Me from My Dad

Dr Phil (February 28, 2019) My Mom Ruined My Life by Keeping Me from My Dad
Dr Phil (February 28, 2019) My Mom Ruined My Life by Keeping Me from My Dad

This is really disappointing of dr. Phil to let those parents treat that guy like he isn’t even a person. And then blaming him for his parents not being there and for all the actions of the girl. He was the most respectful kid dr. Phil has seen in a long time. That was uncalled for! They don’t know his story and all they did was assume everything against him.
Page parents need to take ownership with their daughter. She’s gonna do drug with or without Brandon. He just happen to be the one she seeks out and do drugs with! This is all Page doing and she will do whatever she want. Her parents thinks their daughter is so perfect and innocent! No wonder these parents got no where with her!
I am so happy she was grateful for this help! She seemed to know she could not go on and remain in any way with her "boyfriend." She is the luckiest girl in the world the day this happened. I just watched a film about a toothless woman heroin addict that had contracted hepatitis C from dirty needles and was living in alleyways... She never had parents or Dr. Phil to rescue her (I wish she did). Maybe this one will have a happier ending- a real LIFE and a much better future.

I have been clean and sober for 22 years. I realize what happens to an addict. It is a awful disease. It takes hard work, being totaly honest with youself and at least one other person, a belief that there is a higher power. My daughter's father died an addict. However, sooner or later you have to have personal responsibility. You have to make a decision to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was sexualy abused since I was little, my parents were alcholics. I had people that I loved and cared for die from this awful disease. My father friends sexualy abused me, from the time I was a lil girl. I am now 65 years old. But everyday I used or drank was because I made a choice to do so. I had to stop the nonsence. I did. Every bottom gets worse.jails, institutions or death is what faces you if you don't stop your madness. 
My heart goes out to Brandon. At least the girl has family, a support system. He took responsibility for his actions beautifully. He loved her enough to let her go. I pray every good thing for both of them separately.🙏💔❤️ 
Got to stop this victim mentally. Yes, the boyfriend is bad. Yes, it was wrong of him to turn her on to it, but she has made choices herself. Unti individuals start having ownership for their own lives and choices nothing will ever get better. 
First time I’ve seen an addict take 100% responsibility and do the right thing while in the clutches of addiction. Good for Brandon. I hope the best for him. I’m worried about her but hope she takes this seriously! 
I really feel for Brandon and Paige because I was in this EXACT situation; living in a nasty hotel room, shootin up drugs and getting money from older men or any way I could just to support our habit. I think the biggest thing that some people don't understand about addiction is that people don't live this way because they WANT to. It's the hold that the drugs have on you and the fear of becoming soo dope sick that you just want to die that keeps you in that life. Brandon and Paige are soo lucky to have been given this gift because these detox and treatment facilities that Dr. Phil is sending them to are VERY expensive to where not a whole lot of addicts are able to get this luxury level of treatment. I wish them the best and hope they are able to defeat this demon. 
Omgoodness that hurt me. 6 years for me. It will always be a struggle... but that struggle eases up little bits at a time. If you're seeing this and you're struggling I BELIEVE IN YOU! trust me when I say... it's not easy, but it is very worth it. Find a support system! I'll even talk to you! Just comment. Please everyone stay safe. <3 
I love it when the parents blame the pos boyfriend for their daughters addiction. Listen up, assholes... He might be the one that taught her to shoot up, but your daughter was the one searching for it. He was just the one she found. Shitty parenting is the #1 ingredient to building an addict that doesn't value her life enough to care if she is dead or alive. 
My opinion is that no one is able to introduce you to do drugs unless you are willing. Common people we all as young teens at one point or another were introduced to drugs... we just said no thanks. She was allready a drug addict when she asked for heroin. I dont think this girl will get clean easy. She has a lot of drugs into her system..... 
I can’t imagine raising a baby, taking them to the doctor, working so hard to bring home healthy food, ensuring your kids are taken care of when they’re sick, only to have your child totally undermine all that blood sweat and tears you put into raising them. It is very disrespectful in every way. I know that drug users don’t think about that stuff, but this girl should. She was raised by people who cared a great deal about her and she gave them the middle finger by making the choices she’s made. 
Get off this "that young man didn't deserve the awful way Dr. Phil treated him" BS! He is controlling and manipulative. He broke her arm!! Yep he's a keeper. Didn't anyone hear the father say it wasn't 100% his fault? That his daughter went back to him of her own free will? They are addicts. They were both stoned. Back to the controlling. She was emotionally abused. That's how he controlled. If you get told you're a chair enough times you'll eventually let people sit on you. I know about controlling relationships. Been there; Done that. But I wasn't an addict. I think they both really want to get clean I hope they make it. She OD 16 times. Well, who do think she was with when that happened? The point that you're not getting is her parents would take her home and try to get her help but she would go right back to him. Did you miss the point that she was kicked out of rehab or she left? Don't sit there and blame her parents for not getting her help. How many of you are parents? Especially fathers? Of course he blamed the guy in a major way. He's her father! I think he was sincere when he said he'd never seen the effect it had on her parents up close and personal. As far as saying his parents weren't there for him, didn't you hear him say he had a good relationship with them? They paid for his rehab 4 times. They weren't on the show because it had nothing to do with them. If I'm not mistaken she was 18 when they hooked up. That's young. You talk about the girl taking responsibility. He was right when he finally took responsibility too. Dr. Phil was dealing with 2 addicts. You have to be stern if you want to get through to them. I'm done. 
Princess needs to take responsibility. She admits she found him for it. If it wasnt this guy it was the next. She doesn't love him, she loves the tar he gets. This boy needs help. Its so sad that his parents are not on the show also. You can only burn the bridge so many times before they stop building it again 
How dare these parents blame this young man for their daughters choices. He didn’t make her do anything, she could have said no. He’s not innocent clearly but everyone makes their own choices and until they make her take responsibility for her own actions she won’t be clean. I give this young man credit. He knows he is wrong and loves her enough to let her go so she can have a better life and so can he. 
And Brandons not a human being too, Dr Phil,? The pain he will go through will he immense,and I'm not talking about the drugs, as they will be hard enough. That boy doesn't seem the "animal" that the parents portrayed, and Dr Phil didn't stop them treated him like a non person. Very disappointing of you PHIL. 
I'm sitting here in tears for Brandon. He stood up being a man. He took all the heat, responsibility, & was blasted off the stage! All the while, NO ONE was there for him as moral support and\or had his back. I hope Dr. Phil really puts his money & reputation where his mouth is for this young man! 
White amerikkka, your chickens have def come home to roost. In the 80's you flooded crack into our neighborhoods, called our children crackbabies and criminalized us for being addicted. There was NO SYMPATHY from the govt,the media or society at large. Fast forward decades later and the very grave you dug for my pple will now be the final resting place for you and your families. 
He seems like he really cares for her. He did a beautiful job of walking away and being sincere in owning his part. I think he needs help even more than she does and I'm glad he will get it too. That dad is in serious denial about his daughter. Heroin changes your biochemistry after the first time. And she's probably predisposed to addiction, and would have found another person to fulfill that role for her. 
That dude is smooth and charismatic. He knows exactly what he's* doing and seems super smart. He's got all of you commenting not to hate one him. Its rediculous. They both did bad. But there's no reason to go leniant on him just because he seems really sincere.


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