Saturday, March 9, 2019

Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Get Divorced or Get Even

 Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Get Divorced or Get Even
 Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Get Divorced or Get Even

This man will never realized the kind of betrayal he put his wife through and how deep the pain goes.
He has no empathy. He's literally just annoyed that he got caught. He was with a twenty-two year old woman while his wife was pregnant. SMH. everything is about him he doesn't think about his wife at all, he's a horrible partner.  Dirtbag.

Why would this couple stay together for even five more minutes?  To my way of thinking, if someone cheats on you, they have zero respect for you.  You can't build a future with someone who doesn't respect you.  The fact that this guy sided with the woman he cheated with should tell the wife everything she needs to know.  She doesn't need Dr Phil.  She needs a top-notch divorce lawyer.  As Maya Angelou once said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."  A guy who cheats even once will do it over and over again.  Once the trust in a relationship has been broken, that relationship is done.  I don't understand why anyone would choose to remain in a marriage in which they're always suspicious of their spouse.

This episode was such a joke. 'Should they cut ties or should they stay together and make it work?' Oh, please. I've seen Dr. Phil force emotionally abusive families back together, broken relationships back together, and every other poisonous combination you can think of back together. The only times he doesn't are in episodes where the abusive party is in prison! As if he was ever going to recommend cutting ties! (if anyone questions why I even watched this when I knew the outcome: Dr. Phil makes for amazing background noise while I'm working)

What is cheating That /This for me is the ? .  more than a physical act. Most of  those viewed  chest in ways that  should hurt  more deeply than the obvious physical act They  have never really faced what commitment  to ANYONE is so  they denigrate in ways that are absolutely inexcusable where you are meant to be a couple joined as one in your diffeteneed. Whether you  believe in a God or not the fact of two opposite genders joining together means you are seeking something to  become an entire bring . Therefore grow in understanding those differences & drawing dtrrngh from them . If you are  tdenigrating  then this is not a marriage & being faithful  physically is unimportant because you  unable to accept your Reliance reliance on this person

Jesus. Did he seriously just tell the victim in this mess that she has to forgive her husband and 'earn a divorce'? Right after lecturing the husband on what a selfish prick he is who has no intention of stopping his betrayals? I'm not really surprised, but this is a new low, even for Mr. Keeping-Families-Together.


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