Dr Phil today March, 12, 2019 HD
Dr Phil today March, 12, 2019 HD

Dr Phil today March, 12, 2019 HD

He has a lot of demons he needs to deal with. He still hasn’t come to terms and is angry at himself for his accident. He believes he isn’t worthy of love and is insecure. He is looking to her to fill a void inside himself and it stresses her out. It is very stressful working with someone who is in pain. They snap at you not because of you but because they are not feeling well. Its also hard to not be irritable when your in pain and frustrated too. I understand both sides. Prayers for both of them.
Motivation under the worst situation!! Feel for them all!! I keep putting myself in his place, and my heart cant do it. The only thing you have power over is your mind!! If throwing money at this is what it is going to take to make him ok, I will give what I can!!
I think it's a mistake for spouses/partners to assume full caregiver roles more often than not. There are professionals for that type of care and often the cost of such is covered by insurance. As a paraplegic I'm lucky in that I am still self-sufficient in all ways but I think it would be hard on my husband, and our marriage, if our most common interaction was one of "nurse/patient". Obviously he would have had such care had he not gotten into a relationship so there's no reason to not do so now.
This was a beautiful show. God bless each of them. Dr. Phil thank you for seeing the potential in this young man. He will now get the help & direction he needs. What a gem of a girlfriend. There was so much greatness in this show. Inspiring all the way around.❤
I think everyone no matter what should be given a chance. Who knows you could be missing out on the love of your life. I guess it just boils down to people's preferences. I'm not saying someone is a bad person if they chose not to date someone with a disability. I'm just saying if you like the person's personality why not just go for it?!
Listen to how she speaks versus him. She is domineering and speaks over him and complains about him the whole time. Behaviour learnt by Her moms way of communicating with her! This is lethal for people who are Disabled. am disabled and this woman is abusing him and taking away his independence. I grew up with a mother like this. It’s poisonous. They shouldn’t be together at all! And why doesn’t insurance entitle him to a carer? Where is his social worker!?
They're having waaaaay too many issues plus he's not satisfying her sexually, she's bound to cheat on him at some point. Move on gf 😢 I'm sure his family will take care of him.
I got with my ex husband knowing he was in a wheel chair, met him on Facebook,and he took care of himself, I did a lot extra than I usually would, there was a lot of things that changed. When he got sick I was a nurse but I loved him, it was like he started giving up on trying to take care of himself, plus lots of relationship problems, me missing things that normal relationship have, even getting to wear heels. Only lasted about six years all together
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