Saturday, March 9, 2019

Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Intense Family Drama: Mom Likes Brother Best?

 Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Intense Family Drama: Mom Likes Brother Best?
 Dr Phil (March 09, 2019) Intense Family Drama: Mom Likes Brother Best?
That son is vile. He's a mommy's boy. He actually asked his parents to frame his sports jerseys and his awards. What kid does that? I pity the woman he marries.

Britney is just real and a product of her upbringing, her brother is also a product of their upbringing but he seems to have less compassion and realism. Again this is probably due to upbringing
It is hard when siblings are so incredibly different. My sister made unwise choices that have caused her problems in life. I made very different choices and the outcome was different. We are in our 30's and she very much resents me for our differences. I wish that she didn't and I dont believe I am any better than her. I envy her children. When it comes down to the root of the problem, I can't make her feel better about our differences and she needs to be responsible for her happiness. We are all responsible for our own feelings.

First mistake the parents made was their house rule that when you join something you are "committed!"  That is so wrong. Growing up, kids should have the opportunities to try many activities and learn what works and what doesn't.  It's how they find their way in life and learn what they really do enjoy; you can't find out if you don't try different things. Idiots. And Brittney needs to stop yelling at her baby; he's a baby FFS. You nurture and you guide and use constructive discipline as need be, but you'll never raise a well balanced human if you start their life yelling at them.

The mother never misses an opportunity to put her daughter down and talk over everyone! Notice the family talks over each other in order to beat you saying what they think you’re going to say! The mother dearest is so manipulative! They raised a narcissistic self righteous antisocial asshole.


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