Monday, March 4, 2019

Dr Phil (March 03, 2019) Why is My Prince Hurting Me

 Dr Phil (March 03, 2019) Why is My Prince Hurting Me Dr Phil (March 03, 2019) Why is My Prince Hurting Me
 Dr Phil (March 03, 2019) Why is My Prince Hurting Me

If you feel you have to hire someone to follow your significant other, save your money for separation. It's over. No trust = no relationship.
they have only been together a year.... and she is already 6 months their age I would think they may have rushed things a bit, that sounds like something teenagers would do.
I’m going be honest there’s no such thing as a Notebook fairytale (don’t judge I’ve never seen the movie, but I have seen the trailers) there’s a happy ending which is based on love, trust, and understand. These two don’t trust each at all and not only that I really think they jumped the gun in this relationship and not only that I’m ready upset with the woman. How dares she resents her unborn child HOW DARE SHE?! That child has nothing to do with her bad relationship, if she was that miserable she should of taken her children and leave not stick around so the children could watch the abuse going on.

She's prey for a narcissist, she screams low self esteem and self worth. If in 1 yr you feel that beat down and depressed, then you had deep seated issues, and this guy just exacerbated them.
He is so lucky I'm not his Neighbor,,,,,He'd be getting the Cops called on him by '''ME''' EVERY TIME'''''' I heard his pathetic abusive mouth...
She is manipulative. Like let him go. He wants to leave. He is full of spite, needs to calm the f down and leave the relationship if it's what he wants.
Ugh Dr Phil. He's not evil or malicious. Wrong! Hes a vile nasty malignant Narcissist bully alcoholic liar. 'He just has some emotional issues', what rubbish. When its said that there's hope for any change for a Narcissist like him. That's giving out the wrong advice. he will always be a vile Narcissist. Hes seriously damaged and disordered and no he won't change. Also marital counselling doesn't work with these evil people. Load of bull**
 39 & have 4 kids my 2 oldest are both girls 22 & 16. Folks instill in your daughters that they are worthy, they deserve, & don't settle for less then Respect, Love, Trust! That's what a healthy relationship consist of. Yes much more then that but those 3 are not negotiable & are key. My opinion; of coarse not all will agree. But I believe a relationships foundation relies on those 3 in order for any growth.
Abuse is uncalled for!!! dosent matter of any kind.And Why even have children or bring children in too a toxic atmostphere.ecspecailly/expscally when its abusive situation.How imature. Ruthless cold heartited monster .Theese Children dosent need too listen too this Virbable abuse that which is going on with in the house.I am sirprized that CPS or even the police called due too all the yelling and shouting and the voulgaurty words that have been said.
Why do people even bother to get married. Obviously neither one of these people are dealing with a full deck, she's looking for a fairy tale existence and he feels trapped. So what do they do to improve their marriage have a couple kids! If I feel any sympathy it's for them, they didn't ask to be brought into this toxic situation!
Well...this happens when woman spends more time creating her imaginary, unrealistic fairy tale world, than using that time to actually get to know a person she loves and planning a family with. She wanted a prince on a white horse and she wanted so badly to believe he is the one.... by the time she woke up from her fairy tale dream, it was already too late. She is totally delusional and she acts like 13yrs old spoilt little brat. She wants a man from the Notebook. Come on, woman?! You are too old for that. You have to stop blaming him and face the truth and the reality!
Of course the covert narc is not going to give up her victimhood, where's the fun in that? She wants to stay firmly in the shadow of the overt narc and revel in her "troubles/drama" =( poor children, all 6 of them!
For a man who has"more degrees than a thermometer" he is very biased: against men in a couple situation and against parents in a disobedient teenager situation. These people come to him because they need help and don't know what to do . He berated and insults the parents/men and blames them for what is happening.. I have puzzled over why this is so and wonder if it is because most of his audience is female and quite young.
She has unrealistic expectations of this man. Hes not a fairy tail hes a man that makes mistakes. She has problems other then him and blames him for all of it. No matter how nice or mean he is she needs to learn only she is incharge of her happiness. She doesnt want to take any responsability for making their life better or worse to her its all on his shoulders.


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