Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Pretty Little Mean Girls

Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Pretty Little Mean Girls
Dr Phil (March 01, 2019) Pretty Little Mean Girls
Man, that smug and nasty Taylor is a real piece of work. Her mother must be so proud. I hope she ends up in court. 
The more i listen to this ridiculous crap the more i feel like an idiot for even watching. I will never understand why people do this back and forth shit. Ive had one person that tried to start BS with me. I unfriended them and blocked them. And guess what.... i never had a problem with that person ever again

I hope to God that Taylor changes her ways otherwise she’s going to find herself in the courthouse over and over - both civil and criminal courts. She is a vile woman with a dark heart if she even has a heart to begin with... and her mom is an enabler. 
The mother is in denial and and she is allowing her daughter to contunue. I love my children more then anything in this world all girls have drama at some point during their adolescents but if my daughter ever incited any type of hate, public shaming , humiliating others in any way I would immediately intervene and get a professional involved to deal with the underlying issues then I would ensure an immediate public apology and if that did not suffice I would figure out what else . I have seen this behavior in so many parents the second they are confronted with their child's inappropriate behavior they go on the attack immediately thinking of themselves and how this reflects upon them instead of confronting the issue they go into denial or simply generalize "well all of them have been doing this ", "it's just girl drama, or worse they blame the victimized child. My children are a reflection of myself that is precisely why it is my job to teach and guide by example and take such matters very seriously . Instead of burying your head and taking your child's word read the correspondence then make the evaluation. As for Taylor this young woman has what I believe to be narcissistic traits she demonstrates this by going for the jugular each time anyone remotely offends or disagrees with her . This is most typical of narcissistic behavior in fact there is a term used in psychology " The narcissistic wound" The narcissist will make it their life's work to destroy anyone that they feel has humiliated or shamed them even their own children can become their wound. If you do not offer any value to their lives they will remove you but not be for they ruin you . In the workplace they are extreme they will go to any lengths to look superior. They often will attack one's intellectual capacity especially if they feel threatened because they feel they are above the norm of society. When their personal life should be satisfying they will develop various scenarios in order to maintain a level of insecurity because it creates adrenaline. I apologize to anyone reading this that's thinking "Wow this lady is going on and on ". With being said I feel it is important enough to put forth. I have read some of the other comments and while we are able to use of freedom of speech I think it's important to demonstrate an educated opinion not to add to issue and demean these girls with respect to their looks. These are young vibrant women that should behave with dignity and respect . We have enough shaming in the world against women we certainly do not need to add to it. I hope that Taylor will stop trying to manipulate the situation and begin to a knowledge that her actions are at core of these issues . It is a our natural inclination to defend ourselves against attack and malicious hatred the girls that are being victimized are trying to defend themselves with the exception of the one whom started the fake page that course of action will not work moreover, Taylor is not at all sorry nor does she have a second thought as to the damage she has created The crying and "what about me being the victim " is because she needs to appear remorseful . Sadly I believe until someone takes criminal action action or sues her there will be little change. She fails to accept that in every one of these exchanges she is the one that has gone to great lengths to hurt these girls. Where we would view a comment about one our post as "okay they disagree" and move on she takes each comment as an attack . It's part of the personality disorder .


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