Dr Phil (February 27, 2019) Life Out Of Order Because Of My Disorder: Dddicted To Pregnancy???
Dr Phil (February 27, 2019) Life Out Of Order Because Of My Disorder: Dddicted To Pregnancy???
Dr Phil (February 27, 2019) Life Out Of Order Because Of My Disorder: Dddicted To Pregnancy???
Dr Phil (February 27, 2019) Life Out Of Order Because Of My Disorder: Dddicted To Pregnancy???
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Buddy.... you’re in an abusive relationship and you need to leave! If a woman was telling this story everyone would tell her to leave. No shame in admitting that your partner is abusive and that you deserve better
This woman is nutter, I know she said she has all these disorders but I
also believe she’s mistreating her husband in the NAME OF I AM SICK. All
of these things she’s been addicted to and now she’s policing him like a
grown child
Sheesh, just shows again, that guys will hump anything. That attention breeder needs a visit from CPS for child neglect and the sound avoider apparently has no problem with squeaky bed springs and whining. Those sappy husbands should take the children and get outta Dodge.
This lady is the WORST kind of crazy--a people/animal hoarder. Children are individuals, not a number or means of gratification for your ego. This is abusive on so many levels to the kids! P.S. - If this woman can take "4-5x the Klonopin she's prescribed daily," he's certainly entitled to smoke some pot. Benzos make anxiety & OCD infinitely worse over time. She has no business abusing them in that manner. I have a lot of these issues: OCD, Asperger's, anxiety, depression, etc. In no universe would I have a child, let alone multiple kids. So selfish. Even if you overcome the symptoms in therapy or with meds, the genes are still there.
She’s not this way for no reason. I bet she’s been a victim of abuse. I’ve worked with so many people that have had horrific childhoods that crave babies. She has little to no worth. Babies are the only thing that makes her feel she has a purpose. It gives her value. I don’t think she’s a narcissist. I don’t think she’s “nuts” as many people are saying on here. She’s just DAMAGED. When Dr Phil said about PTSD - I was expecting that. It all makes sense. Unless you know what you are looking for, you can’t just write off anyone just because its behaviour you haven’t seen before. Dr Phil doesn’t think she’s “nuts” and he’s a licensed psychiatrist. Why? Because she is simply NOT.
Trauma effects people in different ways and I think many people on this thread are misinformed or uneducated on mental health. Just my opinion. 🤷🏻♀️
This man needs to take his kids and RUN from this nutzy lady.....pronto.
Ummmm your kids are dependent on you cray cray. Don't tell her and go get fixed man.
My parents had 5 boys and 4 girls..plus 4 miscarriages, mom almost dying several times..3 of 4 of us sisters did not ever consider having children. Total lack of attention, money, incest from older brothers, borderline chaos sibling manipulation, rivalry, etc.
Yes..sure there were some good times but in the long run all of us say..'Stick to 2 kids People..your children will have a far better chance at life'. Also, if mother dies, what chance does the father have to successfully raise all the kids? ..not much b/c there are not that many supermen out there...children are a 24/7 responsibility for 25 years minimum.
The man needs to grow a pair. He totally caters to her. She treats him like shit because she knows she can, he puts up with it, she knows he's not gonna put his foot down or do anything about it. She'll continue to walk all over him because he let's her.
At least she admits to her problems and is finally seeking for someone to help her. It’s actually quite refreshing to hear someone being fairly honest even If Dr Phil does have to push a little to get her to admit things. I actually feel quite sorry for her, she’s definitely got some mental health issues, I just hope she can be helped.
The second woman I believe 100%. I relate to a lot of things, she’s more severe tho. The anger is like REAL. Like someone punched your kid in the mouth in front of you. It’s just rage, insane annoyance, anger.. and it sucks. Why can’t I just be chill? Calm, and cool?
She’s a winner... 😂😂 she doesn’t want him having a coke but she wasted their taxes on a horse and she the one budgeting. He’s more competent than that mess. He has to make he uncomfortable and screw her rituals
As a person with OCD, I identified with these women. The comments here seem to really illustrate how poorly understood this disorder is by the general public, and I'm crushed by it. These women are ill and need help managing their illnesses. If it were men in their place, those men would need the same help. You all make me sad.
lol I thought I was the only one turned off by beer breath. Hint: Teeth brushing doesn't make it better. But otherwise holy, man this girl has issues and WHY does he put up with her AND keep letting her get pregnant? What kind of income do they have where they can afford all these medical bills, kids, and animals? Girl needs to get a better hobby than animal husbandry and being pregnant.
There are Men who pressure women to have children when they want children, it's the same thing. Some men only feel like men when a woman is pregnant for them they go from woman to woman to do it.. I do not hear the man is batshit or a nut!
So nothing can make her happy, and she thought that having babies would, but baby #2 didn’t and neither did #3 and 4. Her real problem: she’s a narcissist of the highest level, using everyone around her, and mentally abusive towards her husband.
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