Saturday, February 8, 2020

🐲🔔Dr Phil 2020 Feb 05 🐲🔔 Mom Went From Nursing Assistant To Homeless & Sleeping In Her Car 🐲🔔

🐲🔔Dr Phil 2020 Feb 05 🐲🔔 Mom Went From Nursing Assistant To Homeless & Sleeping In Her Car 🐲🔔
🐲🔔Dr Phil 2020 Feb 05 🐲🔔 Mom Went From Nursing Assistant To Homeless & Sleeping In Her Car 🐲🔔
🐲🔔Dr Phil 2020 Feb 05 🐲🔔 Mom Went From Nursing Assistant To Homeless & Sleeping In Her Car 🐲🔔

she had a sudden severe case of "vertigo" and then everything was weird in her world and her personality did a big switch....Did anyone check her for a stroke???? She's almost text book in her behaviors for certain types of brain damage.
This woman needs serious help and has just no accountability for herself. She doesn’t seem like a bad person but man is she distorting the reality of the situation and why she’s in this situation in the first place

Ugh...Doctor Charles Sophy. I've never seen anyone so consistently smug, sanctimonious and pompous. He looks down his nose at everyone. He shows no compassion for anyone and talks to EVERY. SINGLE. GUEST. as if they are the way they are through choice - it's like he makes a moral judgement rather than a medical assessment! So quick to start pointing the's incongruent for a medical professional, who swore the Hippocratic oath, to approach these cases like he's there to sit in judgement. He likes to pontificate on the rights and wrongs of people's behaviours rather than appear to be doing some real.good. He seems to treat this like an opportunity to play the Simon Cowell role...just discompassionate, disenfranchised and disinterested. Can't stand the man and other than making valuable connections, I don't believe that he does any practical good for anyone. Charles Sophy is the kind of medical professional that makes people lose faith and trust in the system and behave as though everyone is out to get them. 


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