🐲🔔Dr Phil Show 2020 Feb 06 🐲🔔 My Partying Sister Needs a Motherhood Master Class Now 🐲🔔
🐲🔔Dr Phil Show 2020 Feb 06 🐲🔔 My Partying Sister Needs a Motherhood Master Class Now 🐲🔔
🐲🔔Dr Phil Show 2020 Feb 06 🐲🔔 My Partying Sister Needs a Motherhood Master Class Now 🐲🔔
Why is this mother not being held accountable???!! She is only full of excuses, lies, being totally inappropriate in front of her daughter, not parenting her daughter and neglecting her kid.
This mother has a lot to answer for, but I hate hearing another woman who has been in the situation for two minutes, putting her tuppence worth in just because she's going out with said mother's ex husband. She can put her concerns to her new boyfriend, but it's up to him to to decide if it's worth bringing up and it's up to him to then talk to his ex about it WITHOUT saying his girlfriend brought it up. His girlfriend can NOT comment. She can't help but be a bit biased.
I have to admit that I tend to disagree with Dr. Phil when it comes to situations about kids. Saying the new girlfriend has no say in this... bull!! Any adult who is a witness to any kind of abuse or neglect of children needs to be involved. I thank God everyday that people who had “no dog in the fight” got involved in MY life when I was a baby and rescued me from my birth mom. Those who were in my birth family were too close to the situation to have any real idea what was really going on.
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