Saturday, February 8, 2020

🐲🔔Dr Phil Show 2020 Feb 07 🐲🔔 Our Family Is Being Bullied by Raging Ryan🐲🔔

🐲🔔Dr Phil Show 2020 Feb 07 🐲🔔 Our Family Is Being Bullied by Raging Ryan🐲🔔
🐲🔔Dr Phil Show 2020 Feb 07 🐲🔔 Our Family Is Being Bullied by Raging Ryan🐲🔔
🐲🔔Dr Phil Show 2020 Feb 07 🐲🔔 Our Family Is Being Bullied by Raging Ryan🐲🔔

How the F does someone even smoke an OUNCE a DAY. That's insane, how could you physically do that let alone afford to. Well obviously this guy can't afford it that's why he mooches from his family. But like, holy crap. I figured it was going to be dr phil being a boomer but JESUS
This man is going to end up killing or seriously harming someone. His temper is out of control, and the family is just making it seem like it’s normal. 
Why do they stand there and continually call his name while they know his about to rage? That's so stupid. I know the problem is him and his anger but who stands in from of someone and annoyingly calls someone's name...just to see if he'll go there? He's gonna go there.🙄😒


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