An open-marriage couple goes on the Dr. Phil Show 2018

On the other hand, the Stevenses weren't about to be the usual easy victims. They've had lots of media experience arguing for their way of life on BET, Fox News, the Michael Baisden radio show, and elsewhere.
How'd they do? I have a day job so I couldn't watch. The show isn't online anywhere I can find (link, anyone?). However, here's the show's official web page for today's episode (Feb. 23, 2012).
It offers a 1-minute promo in which Kenya and Dr. Phil try to out-interrupt each other. That's a losing game; he's the pro, and he writes the video editor's paycheck.
Another video clip they put on the page is an outtake of Kenya fetching lotion from someone to put on her legs, which makes her look self-centered.
The third and last video on the page is more serious. Dr. Phil "addresses Carl’s admission that he doesn’t always practice safe sex" due to Carl's notion that being fearless helps the body protect against STIs. Sadly, this woo-woo nonsense from Carl was in the public record for the show's researchers to discover, and for Dr. Phil to highlight on a big display board in Carl's face, the audience's, and ours. Kenya jumps in to try to divert the subject; Phil doesn't let her. Carl tries really, really hard to walk this one back and almost succeeds — but finally can't. I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle him for ever having talked up this awful piece of New Age crap. He walked nose-first into Dr. Phil's punch on this. (And thanks to Joreth for tipping us poly activists in advance to Carl's STD woo-woo problem.)
There are also two text links to long transcripts from the show, in which further text links to better video segments are buried a couple pages in. So the couple did get some chances to have their say — and here they look good when they get enough time to make a point.
Note: Hostile TV can really screw you over. Unlike radio or print, it can edit your message practically out of existence and still have plenty of stuff to make an engaging show. A TV host and editor also have a deeper bag of tricks to draw upon, and if they choose to use these against you, you literally cannot win. Of course, it doesn't help if you are already on record saying medically stupid nonsense in public.
For different takes, see John U's and Jasmine's comments below. They saw the whole show.

On the other hand, the Stevenses weren't about to be the usual easy victims. They've had lots of media experience arguing for their way of life on BET, Fox News, the Michael Baisden radio show, and elsewhere.
How'd they do? I have a day job so I couldn't watch. The show isn't online anywhere I can find (link, anyone?). However, here's the show's official web page for today's episode (Feb. 23, 2012).
It offers a 1-minute promo in which Kenya and Dr. Phil try to out-interrupt each other. That's a losing game; he's the pro, and he writes the video editor's paycheck.
Another video clip they put on the page is an outtake of Kenya fetching lotion from someone to put on her legs, which makes her look self-centered.
The third and last video on the page is more serious. Dr. Phil "addresses Carl’s admission that he doesn’t always practice safe sex" due to Carl's notion that being fearless helps the body protect against STIs. Sadly, this woo-woo nonsense from Carl was in the public record for the show's researchers to discover, and for Dr. Phil to highlight on a big display board in Carl's face, the audience's, and ours. Kenya jumps in to try to divert the subject; Phil doesn't let her. Carl tries really, really hard to walk this one back and almost succeeds — but finally can't. I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle him for ever having talked up this awful piece of New Age crap. He walked nose-first into Dr. Phil's punch on this. (And thanks to Joreth for tipping us poly activists in advance to Carl's STD woo-woo problem.)
There are also two text links to long transcripts from the show, in which further text links to better video segments are buried a couple pages in. So the couple did get some chances to have their say — and here they look good when they get enough time to make a point.
Note: Hostile TV can really screw you over. Unlike radio or print, it can edit your message practically out of existence and still have plenty of stuff to make an engaging show. A TV host and editor also have a deeper bag of tricks to draw upon, and if they choose to use these against you, you literally cannot win. Of course, it doesn't help if you are already on record saying medically stupid nonsense in public.
For different takes, see John U's and Jasmine's comments below. They saw the whole show.
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