Friday, July 19, 2024

Fix Blackberry Playbook Issue: Unable to display the BlackBerry ID Agree...

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Gagner de l'argent sur Facebook peut se faire de plusieurs manières

 Gagner de l'argent sur Facebook peut se faire de plusieurs manières, en fonction de ce qui vous convient le mieux et de vos compétences. Voici quelques méthodes courantes :Marketing d'affiliation : Vous pouvez promouvoir les produits d'autres entreprises sur votre page Facebook et gagner une commission pour chaque vente générée à partir de vos recommandations.Vente de produits ou services : Si vous avez votre propre entreprise ou si vous créez des produits (physiques ou numériques), vous pouvez les vendre directement sur Facebook via une boutique en ligne ou des publications.Monétisation de contenu : Si vous créez du contenu intéressant (articles, vidéos, photos, etc.), vous pouvez le monétiser en utilisant des plateformes tierces comme Patreon, où vos abonnés peuvent vous soutenir financièrement.Publicité...
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Gatsby-esque suits and dolce vita tailoring: here’s what Milan thinks men should wear for summer

 Gatsby-esque suits and dolce vita tailoring: here’s what Milan thinks men should wear for summer Shorts at Gucci that are short enough to make a matron blush, crop tops at Prada that no man over 23 would dare to wear and sparkles aplenty at Louis Vuitton. Men’s fashion’s current focus is Gen Z, and who could blame the conglomerates for trying?  Times are tough and it’s standard corporate practice to snare them young and lock them in for life – a phone case at first, levelling up to trainers in time – but across the men’s Spring-Summer 2025 shows, there hasn’t been a great deal for the grown-up male consumer for whom Taylor...
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Jamaal Bowman’s primary defeat leaves progressives angry at role of Aipac

 Jamaal Bowman’s primary defeat leaves progressives angry at role of Aipac Progressive groups are calling on House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries to reject the endorsement and donations from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) in the wake of congressman Jamaal Bowman‘s primary loss in New York.The United Democracy Project, a super Pac affiliated with Aipac, dumped nearly $15m into Bowman’s district as part of its successful effort to elevate George Latimer to the Democratic nomination.A coalition of progressive groups, outraged over Aipac’s involvement in the race, sent a letter to Jeffries today demanding that he reconsider his association with the group and denounce its tactics.“AIPAC turned the NY16 race into the most expensive Democratic primary in history,...
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Human rights group urges UK financial regulator to block Shein’s LSE flotation

 Human rights group urges UK financial regulator to block Shein’s LSE flotation  A human rights group has urged Britain’s financial regulator to block the Chinese fast-fashion retailer Shein’s planned blockbuster flotation on the London Stock Exchange.Stop Uyghur Genocide, a UK-based human rights charity that alleges minority Uyghur people are being used as forced labour at some of Shein’s cotton suppliers in China’s north-western Xinjiang region, has begun a legal campaign against the planned stock market listing.Represented by the law firm Leigh Day, the campaign group has written to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to argue that “any attempt by Shein to list on the LSE should be refused”.The China-founded company, which was valued at $66bn (£52bn) in a fundraising...
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Kenyan president scraps bill to raise taxes after violent protests leave 23 dead

 William Ruto says he has listened to the people of Kenya, who gathered across the country to oppose the law The Kenyan president, William Ruto, has withdrawn a bill to raise taxes a day after violent protests erupted around the country following its approval by parliament.Ruto’s surprise decision not to sign the finance bill came after violent clashes between police and protesters at the Kenyan assembly and across the country left at least 23 people dead and scores wounded, according to medics.“Listening keenly to the people of Kenya, who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with this finance bill 2024, I concede. And therefore, I will not sign the 2024 finance bill, and it shall subsequently be withdrawn,” he said in a press briefing in Nairobi.The climbdown...
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Dr. Phil SHAKEN after Trump Interview's draws BACKLASH

  Dr. Phil SHAKEN after Trump Interview's draws BACKLASH  Dr. Phil SHAKEN after Trump Interview's draws BACKLASH Adam Mockler with MeidasTouch breaks down the backlash that Dr. Phil faced after his interview with Donald Trump.Dr Phil has been a vampire off of people’s misery his entire career. I’m not surprised he can’t fathom how evil Trump ...
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MUST WATCH: Dr. Phil Sits Down With President Trump in Exclusive In-Depth Interview

  MUST WATCH: Dr. Phil Sits Down With President Trump in Exclusive In-Depth Interview  MUST WATCH: Dr. Phil Sits Down With President Trump in Exclusive In-Depth Interview President Donald Trump, you are the only man who can prevent a global catastrophe caused by Biden and Macr...
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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

🅽🅴🆆🔴Dr Phil Season 2024💥House of Horrors and Other Shocking Headlines💥Dr Phil Full Episodes

  🅽🅴🆆🔴Dr Phil Season 2024💥House of Horrors and Other Shocking Headlines💥Dr Phil Full Episodes  🅽🅴🆆🔴Dr Phil Season 2024💥House of Horrors and Other Shocking Headlines💥Dr Phil Full Episodes That abusive wife's voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Also, I don't get the whole "I cheated on my military spouse while they were deployed because I was lonely" excuse. signed up for that, genius. Then maybe don't marry & have kids with someone who is active military? Long deployment is always a possibility.. I can't believe Dr. Phil was trying to talk the abused husband who wanted to leave his abusive...
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Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁My Dad Tried to Frame Me for Murder The Polygraph Results🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes

  Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁My Dad Tried to Frame Me for Murder The Polygraph Results🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes  Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁My Dad Tried to Frame Me for Murder The Polygraph Results🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes Majority of ya'll probably wanted to know if josh did it or not josh refused the test after going to the back doesn't mean that he did it maybe he did throw a few hits we probably will never know however cassie lied on both questions Dude every fuckin video people are complaining about the doomsday music blaring in the back so like what the actual fuck. B...
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Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁🍁Unbearable In-Laws🍁🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes

  Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁🍁Unbearable In-Laws🍁🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes  Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁🍁Unbearable In-Laws🍁🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes These family is overbearing. The step father is outrageous. No boundaries. The sister is nuts. He is no longer 18. He has flown out of the nest, chosen his bride, has children, and these people need to step back! If i had a family like that, i would run to the other side of the globeThis family are a bunch of bullies. Jamie can’t say one word without them jumping all over her. The mother is the manipulative one and the father thinks he’s a big know it all. I feel sorry for both Jamie and her husband. Good hell.In the first episode the in laws are 150% out of line it’s the ridiculous the father in law is pulling the race card here...
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Dr Phil Season 2024🍁Young, Gorgeous, Privileged and Destroying Her Family🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes

 Dr Phil Season 2024🍁Young, Gorgeous, Privileged and Destroying Her Family🍁Dr Phil Full EpisodesDr Phil Season 2024🍁Young, Gorgeous, Privileged and Destroying Her Family🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes As a former er nurse we used to have a regular attender to the department who use to drink down a litre bottle of vodka as if it was water to a parched man. She would be brought in drunk by the police or ambulance an often had a bottle of drink on her person she would neck it down as fast as possible in front of us then pass out. She would often be too drunk to wash her stomach out. She was mid 20s and one day she was brought in...
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Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁🍁 Our 12-Year-Old Daughter is Breaking Down Our Family🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes

 Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁🍁 Our 12-Year-Old Daughter is Breaking Down Our Family🍁🍁Dr Phil Full EpisodesDr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁🍁 Our 12-Year-Old Daughter is Breaking Down Our Family🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes I used to like Dr Phil.. when he was all about tough love. These days it seems he puts the blame on parents for their childs behaviour, gone are the days when it was the right thing to punish unruly kids in any way a parent saw fit, these days the kids are so precious and entitled if a parent deals out rules and punishment they are bad parents. Critisizing the father for trying to restrain an out of control brat is so wrong.  12-year-olds don't need smart phones. Looks like her phone addiction is a source of rage, which I'm noticing a lot with kids. She would be getting...
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Lucie Jones proves Simon WRONG with Whitney Houston classic! | Series 5 Auditions | The X Factor UK 2024

  Lucie Jones proves Simon WRONG with Whitney Houston classic! | Series 5 Auditions | The X Factor UK  2024 Lucie Jones proves Simon WRONG with Whitney Houston classic! | Series 5 Auditions | The X Factor UK  2024 A nervous Lucie takes to the stage with Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'. And after questioning her ambitious song choice, Simon is blown away by Lucie's talent.  &nb...
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America's Got Talent 2024 Luca Di Stefano Sings Lets Get It On Full Performance S15E04

 America's Got Talent 2024 Luca Di Stefano Sings Lets Get It On Full Performance S15E04America's Got Talent 2024 Luca Di Stefano Sings Lets Get It On Full Performance S15E04  Man that guy can put it together. When he went down with that base voice u can see he put that humor into it. His audition is worth watching over and over.I've watched this over a hundred times, and I still look forward to watching it again. What I love about him is how he was able to make Heidi dance so gracefully while sitting.  Honestly there's not enough voices like this. That's why Barry White tracks were 5 min long with 3 min intro! I absolutely loved it, and hope he goes very far. I'd purchase his album. This was such fun to watch!! All the girls in the audience are all going gaga over...
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NERVOUS Singers Who SHOCKED the World When They Opened Their Mouths!😱

 NERVOUS Singers Who SHOCKED the World When They Opened Their Mouths!😱NERVOUS Singers Who SHOCKED the World When They Opened Their Mouths!😱NERVOUS Singers Who SHOCKED the World When They Opened Their Mouths!😱 A woman yelling in the crowd, "You are good enough!" Is one of the most amazing affirmations you could ever receive. That didn't come from the judges that came from an audience member [the tears of joy are coming now!].  As a singer myself. I can say with conviction. The POWER of music is universal and it can overcome just about anything. We have a girl with a speech impediment and yet when she opens her mouth to...
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Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁Criminal Love Why Women Date Inmates🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes

 Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁Criminal Love Why Women Date Inmates🍁🍁Dr Phil Full EpisodesDr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁Criminal Love Why Women Date Inmates🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes  OUT OF SIGHT,OUT OF MIND !! MY GOD. Now I can understand how people can be so cold hearted about abortion. Doris Shaw Spencer here as an attorney in CA, visiting 5-6 prisons a week when talking to clients, ive seen it all... she might think shes fooling some, but its a 2 way street and some inmates 'fall in love'as soon as they hear a female name and voice.... Ive never had anything with any of my clients but yet 5 of them have decided that they love me and have my name tattoed all over them. That Billy liar the only reason he is on that show was he wants to reengage with the mother of his child...
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[New] Dr Phil Full Episodes 1080p 🌹🎬🌹Dr phil full episodes 2024 New Today🎄🎬🎄Dr Phil Season 2024

 [New] Dr Phil Full Episodes 1080p 🌹🎬🌹Dr phil full episodes 2024 New Today🎄🎬🎄Dr Phil Season 2024[New] Dr Phil Full Episodes 1080p 🌹🎬🌹Dr phil full episodes 2024 New Today🎄🎬🎄Dr Phil Season 2024 Even Matts own mother does not back him up. His own mother knows he is a liar. His attitude is all that is necessary to see who he is. He is one of the sickest people i have ever seen. His wife and the couple that has taken him in all need to run as far away from him as possible.  Pure Psychopath. Sadistic smile he got from the pain on the wifes face when he said the girls are dead to me. The last thing he had left available to her hurt with in that moment to plunge and twist the knife - and showed enjoyment.  Dr Phil, I hope you can use this as example of narcissist...
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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Le bitcoin retombe lourdement après son record bitcoin live

60 354 EUR -3,99 % New York (awp/afp) - Le bitcoin a brutalement fléchi mardi après avoir inscrit un nouveau record historique, plombé par des prises de bénéfice qui ont rappelé à quel point la devise numérique pouvait être volatile.Vers 20H55 GMT, la cryptomonnaie à la valorisation globale la plus importante (1.200 milliards de dollars environ) chutait de 8%, à 62.062 dollars l'unité.Plus tôt, elle est même retombé sous le seuil symbolique de 60.000 dollars, à 59.317 dollars.Ce mouvement faisait...
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live bitcoin etherium price

 live bitcoin price !function(e){var n="";if("False"=="True")e.BOOMR_config=e.BOOMR_config||{},e.BOOMR_config.PageParams=e.BOOMR_config.PageParams||{},e.BOOMR_config.PageParams.pci=!0,n="";if(window.BOOMR_API_key="HSJZU-2QKV5-B547G-HWQA2-2TGS4",function(){function e(){if(!o){var e=document.createElement("script");"boomr-scr-as",e.src=window.BOOMR.url,e.async=!0,i.parentNode.appendChild(e),o=!0}}function t(e){o=!0;var n,t,a,r,d=document,O=window;if(window.BOOMR.snippetMethod=e?"if":"i",t=function(e,n){var t=d.createElement("script");||"boomr-if-as",t.src=window.BOOMR.url,BOOMR_lstart=(new...
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