Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁Criminal Love Why Women Date Inmates🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes

 Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁Criminal Love Why Women Date Inmates🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes

Dr Phil Season 2024🍁🍁Criminal Love Why Women Date Inmates🍁🍁Dr Phil Full Episodes


 OUT OF SIGHT,OUT OF MIND !! MY GOD. Now I can understand how people can be so cold hearted about abortion. Doris Shaw Spencer here

 as an attorney in CA, visiting 5-6 prisons a week when talking to clients, ive seen it all... she might think shes fooling some, but its a 2 way street and some inmates 'fall in love'as soon as they hear a female name and voice.... Ive never had anything with any of my clients but yet 5 of them have decided that they love me and have my name tattoed all over them.

 That Billy liar the only reason he is on that show was he wants to reengage with the mother of his child that has Autism son, I hope she does not get roped in again because that’s his goal


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