Friday, January 25, 2019

Dr Phil Episodes 23 || Dr Phil Season Jan 23, 2019

 Dr Phil Episodes 23 || Dr Phil Season Jan 23, 2019
 Dr Phil Episodes 23 || Dr Phil Season Jan 23, 2019

I HATE the way Phil asks people why they came to him. He loves hearing people stroke his ego before he follows-up their comments with further ego-stroking. Like, how is that relevant at all? ETA: For all the people misunderstanding, this is the part I'm talking about 6:41 - "Why do you think I'm the one to do this?"
I had an eating disorder and got down to a pretty low weight. I remember people talking about how skinny and unhealthy I was, but I couldn't see it. I focused on my perceived imperfections so much, I was obsessed with the scale, always checking my body in the mirror. Now 5 years later, I can see how skinny I truly was. Makes me sad, but at the same time, I find myself missing the skinny me sometimes. Most of the time I eat well and listen to my body and what it needs. Sometimes it's really hard. It feels like my body had recovered,  but my mind hasn't.  I believe that an eating disorder will be a life long problem. Maybe the person doesn't give in to the disorder any more, but our minds can still be plagued by eating disorder thoughts and urges.


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