Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dr Phil Episodes 26 || Dad's Wife Is Ruining Our Life Jan 26, 2019

Dr Phil Episodes 26 || Dad's Wife Is Ruining Our Life Jan 26, 2019
Dr Phil Episodes 26 || Dad's Wife Is Ruining Our Life Jan 26, 2019

This estrangement will continue. Two daughters & 1 granddaughter each owned up & apologized for their parts in the chaos. But the father will not - & that's why it will continue, because he WANTS it to, so he can be "right".
Why do most men's "grieving process" usually include getting laid as quickly as possible when their wife dies?? It's like they can move on within a week and find another woman to sleep with?? I think many men are raised to be selfish and think of themselves first, and think sex is Love immediately!

What he's saying about their mother, that she used to complain to him about her daughters... that is despicable. DESPICABLE guilt he's putting on the girls. Shame on him. All children get outta line when they're teenagers. I'm a mother. No mother holds a grudge on her kids for the usual teenage outbreaks. Gimme a break. Gimme a break!
This man lost his wife when his daughters were adults & out on their own. He's allowed to have a life independent of his daughters. It's his home & he pays the bills, so if he wants someone to move in - it's 100% his prerogative. These 2 daughters are spoiled, self-entitled & greedy. They have NO right to dictate how their widowed father can live his life.

I don't believe the pair of narcissistic, materialistic, entitled brats have ever loved their whipped father. All they are thinking about is his net worth and their inheritance like an ugly pair of circling vultures. If I was him I'd move further away from them with my sweet wife and not let them know where I went. I'd send them a copy of a will stating that their share was now going to animal welfare!!
These are Grown ASS lil WITCHES!! It makes me so sick when GROWN kids that have acted like Demons, decide to play the Victim!! I'm so blessed with Angels for Daughters and a Wonderful, sweet Son. Id be damned if id allow this to happen. They'd treat my new wife with respect,,or not come around!! If the new wife didn't respect my Children, id drop her like a BAD Habit! My 5 Look at their TWO MOMS as exactly what they are, They have TWO WOMEN THAT LUV AND WANT THE ABSOLUTE BEST FOR THEM"! Words of my wise wonderful SON!! They don't have half any things, and Steps are what we use to get up and down. We have ONE family with loved ones in diff places. My X and my current truly care and adore all the children and GrandChildren as well as each other! We made it work, and we all are blessed for it! GREAT LADIES!! Great MOTHERS deserve MOST of the CREDIT! Peace👯✌


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