Dr Phil Jan 19 ✔ Dr Phil Top Best Episode 17
Dr Phil Jan 19 ✔ Dr Phil Top Best Episode 17

awwww this is so sad....I can see the hurt little boys sitting on Dr Phil now. They must have said "MY Mom" 1000 times. It does get tiring hearing the woman defending her selfish younger self. It's too bad she could not have skipped all of the lame excuses and just said what she did was horrible and what can she do now.They have to keep re-hashing the past because she will not own it. I see the point in protecting her grandchildren from her. I got to spend a lot of time with my grandson and his father got to see how I raised himself by seeing how I was with his son. When his kids were teenagers my son called me frequently for advice. I would hate to be the woman in this story, she has missed the best part of life. I think she deserves to be punished for another 30 or 40 years........, but those sons deserve the "MY" mom of their dreams
Dr Phil Jan 19 ✔ Dr Phil Top Best Episode 17