Monday, January 28, 2019

Dr Phil Episodes 24 || Dr Phil Season Jan 24, 2019

 Dr Phil Episodes 24 || Dr Phil Season Jan 24, 2019
 Dr Phil Episodes 24 || Dr Phil Season Jan 24, 2019
This whole story is a mess. Glen gives me the heebiest of jeebies. Something is very wrong with this man. I'm not excusing his current wife, she definitely has her faults as well. 3 months and a random letter appears that no one knew about and that is all she needed to marry him? Nope...

sadly, this is more common than people think; my grandfather was with his wife for 30 plus years, she died of cancer, three MONTHS later, he had shacked up with another woman and tried forcing her into the family, she told my aunty she needed to get over the death of her mother, men seem unable to cope without someone to take care of them
How absolutely stupid can you be to sit there straight faced and complain about how abusive your husband is to your daughter after you made no effort to remove the child from the situation. She only left him like a week ago, she didn't leave when he left bruises on her daughter and she sits here talking all about how abusive he is and it doesn't seem to click with her that she had a responsibility to keep her daughter safe and away from him. Also, to put the cherry on the sundae, the physical abuse of her child isn't even her main concern, she's more worried about him lying to her, and cheating and what he does to HER, it is a complete mind fuck the level of brain rot.


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