Man Claims They Were Never Intimate (Full Episode) | Paternity Court 2019
Man Claims They Were Never Intimate (Full Episode) | Paternity Court 2019

Webb v. Cole: She claims he's the father. He claims they were never intimate! What will the DNA test results reveal?
Man Claims They Were Never Intimate (Full Episode) | Paternity Court 2019

Webb v. Cole: She claims he's the father. He claims they were never intimate! What will the DNA test results reveal?
I am not a judge, but judging by that calendar she submitted, that's a fake calendar...if you look at how the dates line up, they don't line up....March 31 falls on a Sunday, but April 1, starts on Wednesday? Look at May to June....May 30 falls on a Saturday...June 1 falls on a is that? June 30 falls on Sunday, but so does July 1. Then September 30 falls on a Sunday, but October 1 starts on Thursday...where them three days in between go?
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