Dr Phil Jan 19 || Foster Care, an Ankle Bracelet, and House Arrest; I Blame My Parents
Dr Phil Jan 19 || Foster Care, an Ankle Bracelet, and House Arrest; I Blame My Parents

The Dad is "struggling with drugs" for most of his daughter's life and $80,000 behind in child support but everything is the Mother's fault. The kid has not got a hope with 2 parents who hate each more than love her and spend all their time blaming each other. Everything the girl does is for attention from anyone and she will end up in serious trouble whilst her parents continue to fight about which one of them is to blame.
See I was a rebellious teen. It came out in a different way. In writing and music.
My parents defended me. Constantly. They got called into school all the time because of the shit I handed in. I broke boundaries on assignments every single time. I had to. I can’t not use my voice, to this day. And they still encouraged me to do my thing. Because they saw my potential and didn’t compromise that. Thank god.
My thing turned out to become profitable and I make a career from it now. It’s changed how it looks, its face has changed shape a few times as I’ve wandered through adulthood. But my privilege to harness and refine it was a gift from parents who never told me to sit down and don’t make waves. They stood at my shoulder because they knew they could trust me. But most importantly, they knew I could trust them to know I was going to be ok.
That last sentence is the key. A kid who can’t trust her parents is robbed of the opportunity to be trusted by them. Because who is going to nod to the whims of parents they can’t trust? Imagine being little and not trusting some asshole whose job it is to make sure you can trust them.. that’s so sad. This fucking cyclical bullshit.
This kid isn’t an idiot. Imagine this independent spirit in the right hands. What great things she might do. This is some tragic shit here.
Dr Phil Jan 19 || Foster Care, an Ankle Bracelet, and House Arrest; I Blame My Parents

The Dad is "struggling with drugs" for most of his daughter's life and $80,000 behind in child support but everything is the Mother's fault. The kid has not got a hope with 2 parents who hate each more than love her and spend all their time blaming each other. Everything the girl does is for attention from anyone and she will end up in serious trouble whilst her parents continue to fight about which one of them is to blame.
See I was a rebellious teen. It came out in a different way. In writing and music.
My parents defended me. Constantly. They got called into school all the time because of the shit I handed in. I broke boundaries on assignments every single time. I had to. I can’t not use my voice, to this day. And they still encouraged me to do my thing. Because they saw my potential and didn’t compromise that. Thank god.
My thing turned out to become profitable and I make a career from it now. It’s changed how it looks, its face has changed shape a few times as I’ve wandered through adulthood. But my privilege to harness and refine it was a gift from parents who never told me to sit down and don’t make waves. They stood at my shoulder because they knew they could trust me. But most importantly, they knew I could trust them to know I was going to be ok.
That last sentence is the key. A kid who can’t trust her parents is robbed of the opportunity to be trusted by them. Because who is going to nod to the whims of parents they can’t trust? Imagine being little and not trusting some asshole whose job it is to make sure you can trust them.. that’s so sad. This fucking cyclical bullshit.
This kid isn’t an idiot. Imagine this independent spirit in the right hands. What great things she might do. This is some tragic shit here.
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