Saturday, February 16, 2019

Dr Phil Episodes 13 || Dr Phil Season February 13 2019

 Dr Phil Episodes 13 || Dr Phil Season February 13 2019
 Dr Phil Episodes 13 || Dr Phil Season February 13 2019
OMGH! She is such a narcissistic ! Cares nothing about what she did to her kids. All " me me me " .. Despicable ! Better without her. Using God !

She's not answering the questions......she has the "Me syndrome". Children don't forget things be it good or bad done to them. She has no heart 💓 selfish woman 😡

eveytime she laugh, I truly wanna to smack her face to the wall! She is so disgusting! She wanted her children now just because they are all grown up and she don't need to take care of them but also can use her "title" to get thing from them ! Unfortunately , all those Human Garbage always popping out TONS of kids!! Guys you don't need this trash in your life, you can cut off with her forever is a bless!
What nonsense. Phil takes a supposedly real and serious situation and plays a cheesy game show on the stage, complete with props.
This kind of mothers says they have "found jesus" (never understood why he would be hiding) just to sound like they are good people - empty words.
Every time I turned on the news it’s a new case of child abuse or children being murder by their parents! What is this world coming to? This mom nor the kids doesn’t seemed to be missing a meal! But neglect comes in many forms! This mom is pathetic and shouldn’t be called a mom! I feel bad for their up bringing!
Mom is a selfish cunt . I had one just like her until she drank herself to death. Her children are strong like me. We don't need their fake apologies. Bless you guys and keep being strong.


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