Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Dr Phil Show Feb 26, 2019 ✔A Second Schizophrenic Child or a Misdiagnosing Mom: Can Bodhi Be Helped?

 Dr Phil Show Feb 26, 2019 ✔A Second Schizophrenic Child or a Misdiagnosing Mom: Can Bodhi Be Helped?
 Dr Phil Show Feb 26, 2019 ✔A Second Schizophrenic Child or a Misdiagnosing Mom: Can Bodhi Be Helped?

Finally, Dr. “Sofy”, sorry about the spelling, he it is calling it like it is and isn’t holding back. The mom however stressed, is living on another planet. She needs help, the children ought to be taken out because if she ever gets over the edge, God only knows what she would do!!!
Btw her "mhm's" and self righteous "yes's!" that she says after someone says something that makes sense, like she thought of the idea first- makes me want to hurl my phone at the wall.

The fact that she can sit there with an ego-filled smirk on her face the entire time is absolutely disgusting. What a disgrace she is being for her own children.
She has posted on FB that she was trashed on Dr. Phil. I don't see that at all. She truly does seem to need some mental help herself. Remove the kids, test them, evaluate them, medicate if needed, and put them in a better environment and see how they do...then judge whether it's her or not.

Susan Schofield-Cabana is a manipulative crazy human !! who thinks she knows better than everyone, including doctors... she needs help but obviously every dr on this universe is too scared to help her... but let someone help your kids at least,

I am a mother of 5 kids...4 are disabled. I worked fulltime $2,500 a mth and received disability for all 4 $2,986. My kids were fully provided for. They received all they medically needed. Today, my 2 oldest are fulltime employed, both are autistic. Another son moved out with his brother, two houses down. My daughter is having a hard time finding a job. So far 2 are off disability which is not meant forever. It's hard, we are working on getting her a job. This mother may be dependent on the disability payments. Her son is non verbal and disabled. so, why the heck diagnose him further.

This women's studied sanctimonious belittling expression of overt superiority shows her complete disregard for honesty integrity truth NOTHING but her own self deluded desire to Billy one and all. That none of those she had been to prior have not seen fit tonteport her  lock her into a straight hacker OR at least rescue those children is absolutely obscene! Obviously both children show mental.problems BUT this is a case of genetics

She is in it for the disability payments! She asked if he would be in treatment for 2 weeks. See, her benefits for that month of hospitalization can be cut if the child is hospitalized for more than 2 weeks.

That woman is dangerous. And she is totally exploiting her son with YouTube, it’s a big fat no to film a disabled child using the bathroom (or anyone) in any other way than brushing teeth/hair and washing their face/hands (while clothed).


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