Saturday, February 16, 2019

Dr Phil Feb 14, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 101

 Dr Phil Feb 14, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 101
 Dr Phil Feb 14, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 101

so the audience is laughing at a woman who had a stroke and has mental health issues and dr. phil doesnt say a thing about that, how is that funny?wow dr phil wont let someone smirk on his stage about mental.illness, or derogatory language, but its ok for his audience to laugh about a woman who believes she can make it rain, she is sick people, and you are a sick audience for laughing, dr phil u should have said something to that audience

I live in England I'm English born and bred and with her accent it a tiny bit English but it's the Queen's English it's the posh way of speaking but if she went to places like Sutton Battersea you have cockney rhyme scouts accent london accent there's all different mixtures of accents in England

Everytime she is responding to questions about her accent she seems to try to talk English harder. What an annoying human being
Foreign accent disorder, I looked it up online and it is a disorder so at least she's not lying about that


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