Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dr Phil Full Episodes 92 | 16 and on the Path of Destruction | Feb 19, 2019

 Dr Phil Full Episodes 92 | 16 and on the Path of Destruction | Feb 19, 2019
 Dr Phil Full Episodes 92 | 16 and on the Path of Destruction | Feb 19, 2019

The only goal Dr. Phil seemed to have in this show was to be this girl's hero! All the while picking a fight with this Mom while she plead (several times, ) "I need your help!" to no avail. In front of the girl he belittled her Mother, but when he sends the girl back stage he then tells the Mom when sending Ellie to Center of Discovery SHE'S going to have to be the one to step up & FORCE the daughter go if that's the help she wants for her daughter. I have seen Dr. Phil tell kids about these places. He DID NOT discuss this place with Ellie. He left the dirty work for Mom!!!! The way Phil handled these people & this problem was a bit off.

Yes, Mom has a lot to learn, but Dr. Phil attacking her will make her more reluctant to seek help and learn in the future. By ganging up on Mom, you are also giving the daughter ammunition to use against her family. "Well, Dr. Phil said you are wrong and it's your fault, not mine." His criticism of Mom should have ALL taken place with the daughter not present.
Honestly it seems like the mom is icy. She may be drained but I also noticed you hear nothing from the dad either. And she looks like one of those society ladies. The girl says "I hate myself" and the mother doesn't say I love you how does a mother not do that? Not to mention he's not saying she's cold he's saying that she looks and seems cold.
I don’t understand the criticism of Dr. Phil here. He had to represent this girls feelings. She’s obviously a suicide risk. He has a certain amount of time to cut through the BS and get to the point with this mother. I don’t think his intentions are to attack her. I think he wants to wake her up. Her child is in great danger. He sees the urgency of opening the mothers eyes to the truth of the situation. For what ever reason or how she got there the mother seems to be very cold . Maybe shut down . The daughter needs support and understanding now.
Good old Dr Phil, he meets a family for 10 minutes and knows the entire family dynamic. He's a quack. Blame a mom for doing the best she can in front of the child. It's really nice he has the perfect family but this girl is a master manipulator. Moms seems cold? Gee, maybe it's just her personality and he's blaming her for that. Sometimes people.. it's not the parents fault.
My close friend at school had a father who walked-out when she was little and never had a relationship with her. Her mother was great and she seemed so well adjusted....Then she reached dating age!! She was attracted to the most awful boys who treated her terribly. She had one boyfriend who cheated on her and hit her when she found out and challenged him. Rather than dumping him she told me, with great joy, that he had held her for nearly an hour AND told her that he loved her more than any girlfriend he had ever had...She continued to describe that as the best hour of her life for over 2 years (of repeated cheating and violence) until he finally dumped her! Absentee parents have no idea of the permanent scars they inflict!
We could sit and assign blame or point fingers all day, but the simple fact is that we do not know the true dynamics of the mother/daughter relationship. We are only seeing a portion of what they allow us to. BPD is actually caused by one or more of these things: Genetics, environmental factors ( traumatic life events whether it be sexual, physical or otherwise). You cannot just blame it all on crappy parenting. Years of ongoing abuse and mental illness can take its toll on an individual. Something about the mother seems off to me. She seems like a very controlling, critical, and very cold person. I do not think that the mother is capable of loving the child the way she deserves to be loved. I hope the child gets the help that she needs.
What a dumbass you are DrPhil, have no respect for you anymore... Mom saying lets try not make a scene on stage is not manipupalion, wtf? Just like please dont show your fanny to every boy... DrPhil might prefer a scene because its better TV or maybe (doubt it) to help address the issues but the way he blamed mom was disgusting... And to the IceQueen name callers.. play thw what if game...what if you had a daughter like that!
Sounds like we have the same mom.... I'm fifty now and have survived... took a lot of therapy and soul searching... (wish I would have Dr. Phil..). Last time she said something to make me feel bad, was the last time I let her hurt me. Haven't spoken to her in ten years. I've never been so happy with my life! I wish this beautiful young woman could see herself through others' eyes!


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