Thursday, February 21, 2019

Dr Phil Full Episodes 92 | 16 and on the Path of Destruction | Feb 19, 2019

 Dr Phil Full Episodes 92 | 16 and on the Path of Destruction | Feb 19, 2019
 Dr Phil Full Episodes 92 | 16 and on the Path of Destruction | Feb 19, 2019
Something about mom strikes me as ice cold. She appears to lack empathy. That young girl may well be a suicide risk.
The only goal Dr. Phil seemed to have in this show was to be this girl's hero! All the while picking a fight with this Mom while she plead (several times, ) "I need your help!" to no avail. In front of the girl he belittled her Mother, but when he sends the girl back stage he then tells the Mom when sending Ellie to Center of Discovery SHE'S going to have to be the one to step up & FORCE the daughter go if that's the help she wants for her daughter. I have seen Dr. Phil tell kids about these places. He DID NOT discuss this place with Ellie. He left the dirty work for Mom!!!! The way Phil handled these people & this problem was a bit off.
Dr phil was mad she told her daughter not to yell and scream on tv because he needs the drama for his ratings 🤣

hopefully the daughter finds out sooner than later that her mom will NEVER be able to love her in the way a normal mother would and it is not the daughters fault. She needs to get away from her mom as soon as she is able and when she does she will feel so much better.
Yes, Mom has a lot to learn, but Dr. Phil attacking her will make her more reluctant to seek help and learn in the future. By ganging up on Mom, you are also giving the daughter ammunition to use against her family. "Well, Dr. Phil said you are wrong and it's your fault, not mine." His criticism of Mom should have ALL taken place with the daughter not present.
the mother sounds like my mother critical robotic and very harsh . My Mum was Also physically mentally and emotionaly abusive to the extreme. I really hope She will get the help She needs & more so her parents.
Sounds like we have the same mom.... I'm fifty now and have survived... took a lot of therapy and soul searching... (wish I would have Dr. Phil..). Last time she said something to make me feel bad, was the last time I let her hurt me. Haven't spoken to her in ten years. I've never been so happy with my life! I wish this beautiful young woman could see herself through others' eyes!
I don’t understand the criticism of Dr. Phil here. He had to represent this girls feelings. She’s obviously a suicide risk. He has a certain amount of time to cut through the BS and get to the point with this mother. I don’t think his intentions are to attack her. I think he wants to wake her up. Her child is in great danger. He sees the urgency of opening the mothers eyes to the truth of the situation. For what ever reason or how she got there the mother seems to be very cold . Maybe shut down . The daughter needs support and understanding now.
See, here’s the thing... the parents came to the show FOR HELP. Phil tells them to be honest, so they do. Then he rips them apart for it. Wth is that crap? Ridiculous. Obviously they are here bc they realize what they are doing is not helping/working. So treat them like crap? How does that make him any better than the kid? And then he says “tell me what I want to hear”.... yeah, bc that helps eye roll passive aggressive much?
You can analyse all you like, both these parents have little empathy, 100 bucks they never spend quality time with the daughter or praise her, as usual step father situations are hapless, comes acroos as a total wet fish
Poor mother. She feels very deeply. If you watch her face, she hurts. This is a spoilt brat. If she was more pleasant and was less narcissistic, people might actually like her. Go and volunteer in a soup kitchen to get perspective on other people's sad lives.
I was this kid. Actually, even at 42yrs of age, I still AM this kid. While I DO, of course, find fault on both sides, this mother comes off so cold and unsympathetic as well as unemphatic that I can understand EXACTLY why this little girl feels the way she does. I grew up not only being made to feel like nothing but even being TOLD I was nothing. And my mother?? Oh my God!! Nothing hurts worse than knowing that your parents...the two people who should love you the most... can't even love you. It breaks you down. You spend your life not believing you're worth loving whether from a friend or a lover. How could you when during the most important years of your life you were dumped?You spend the rest of your life pushing anybody away who claims to love you cuz you were never taught what love was. There was no Dr. Phil when I was being abused. I had no hero. This young lady needed a hero and I thank God for Dr. Phil. Maybe he can save her from the very, VERY lonely life I now have.
I feel fortunate. I have 5 kids, 4 are mentally disabled. My oldest has been the most challenging even with one child terminally ill. He has raged on younger siblings, acted out in school, bowed up on me, and set fire to furniture. I, as a single parent, did my best to help him work through those yeats6 even with therapy. He is bi polar and asperger autistic. He is a 23 yr old adult. I got him a job where I work. He is doing fine. I'm helping him manage his money. He bought his first truck and now buying his first home. It's rough. I still have my other kids and home to manage. It's a struggle but as a parent you have to do it.
Vehemently disagree with Dr. Phil in this episode. The daughter is out of control and the mom point blank says she’s not equipped to handle her daughter’s outbursts. She seems “cold” because it’s a defense mechanism due to her crazy ass daughter repeating this awful behavior for a long time
Good old Dr Phil, he meets a family for 10 minutes and knows the entire family dynamic. He's a quack. Blame a mom for doing the best she can in front of the child. It's really nice he has the perfect family but this girl is a master manipulator. Moms seems cold? Gee, maybe it's just her personality and he's blaming her for that. Sometimes people.. it's not the parents fault.
I'm only nine minutes in and am crying listening to this poor beautiful child talk about her impressions of herself. My thoughts may change once I've seen the whole show but right now I just want to hug her, hold her hand, be her friend, serve as her very best supporter and constant  cheerleader. She needs  a reality check, a loving one, to make her see herself as she truly is, a kind hearted, compassionate, beautiful and intelligent wellspoken girl who is deserving of the very best. If you are reading this, please bee that wonderful friend to yourself, if you can't find it in others around you.
Wow, this girl is me a time ago. It is really hard to shake the criticisms that you've heard all your life. I'm over 60 years old now and I still struggle with self esteem issues and rejection. I was a model and pretty. But I was 5'9" when I was a 14 year old girl and since I'm female I took a lot of jibes and was marginalized for my height. I spent most of my younger life hating myself. I'm old now and have lost a few inches to bone problems, but in my mind I'm still that "freak of nature" that others called me or simply made me feel I was. I will most likely go to my death hearing all those voices calling me a freak.
He is UNREAL!! It's always the parents' fault! I'm sure this mother isn't perfect, but she literally can't do ANYTHING right in this condescending a-holes eyes! She clearly loves her daughter & wants help! Stop spending the show trying to look good & talk down to your guests & DO something for them!! For once without bashing them first!! I wonder what it would be like to be as "perfect" as you Phil! I Pray this little girl & the family get the help they need! 🙏🏻
My close friend at school had a father who walked-out when she was little and never had a relationship with her. Her mother was great and she seemed so well adjusted....Then she reached dating age!! She was attracted to the most awful boys who treated her terribly. She had one boyfriend who cheated on her and hit her when she found out and challenged him. Rather than dumping him she told me, with great joy, that he had held her for nearly an hour AND told her that he loved her more than any girlfriend he had ever had...She continued to describe that as the best hour of her life for over 2 years (of repeated cheating and violence) until he finally dumped her! Absentee parents have no idea of the permanent scars they inflict!
I hate it when Dr. Phil humiliates parents in front of their children then expects there to be respect.....Dr. Phil you should really take some time and look at the damage that you cause even though you think you so self righteous. When are you going to eventually get your degree Dr. Phill? A little overdue!! For someone who's trying to bond families you just as judgmental and critical. That mom is so broken down and humiliated.
We could sit and assign blame or point fingers all day, but the simple fact is that we do not know the true dynamics of the mother/daughter relationship. We are only seeing a portion of what they allow us to. BPD is actually caused by one or more of these things: Genetics, environmental factors ( traumatic life events whether it be sexual, physical or otherwise). You cannot just blame it all on crappy parenting. Years of ongoing abuse and mental illness can take its toll on an individual. Something about the mother seems off to me. She seems like a very controlling, critical, and very cold person. I do not think that the mother is capable of loving the child the way she deserves to be loved. I hope the child gets the help that she needs.
The mother doesn't know how to validate her daughter's feelings, probably from a young age. She was constantly invalidated, leading to her emotional instability. Her own father abandoned her at a tender age. She's internalized it all from a young child. She has BPD and needs therapy to help overcome cognitive distortions about herself and to regulate intense emotions. Bless her soul and I hope she receives the help she needs. I also hope the mother gets support and help to help her daughter. I think the mother means well, just doesn't know how to go about it.
I’m telling you what. This mom wasn’t out of line by asking her to daughter to behave on national TV. Really Phil, you think that there isn’t any other way to get to the bottom of this without the temper tantrums? The mother was wise enough to know that the tantrums are for the birds man.. communication is key. She was right you were wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ to a lot of people anyway.
I see it as a situation where everybody was doing the best they could with what they had. Then they came here, which willingness to change is amazing in any human, to learn some thing, any thing. I felt the girl was a typical teenage girl, which after reading here and listening to Dr. Phil makes me see I'm sick too. Ooops. I go to support groups, I am trying to be better person in general. I did think I was finished and fine. No, I'll never be until under the grass I guess. The reason I figured is I quit growing when; a lot of pooh hit our family's fan. A lot.
As a parent your dedication to your child is essential. Even if that means, gasp, clutch my pearls, you sacrifice your own wants and needs. Your job is to get this child ready for a highly competitive, cut throat, and fast moving world, that is... if their success is important to you. Mom needs to be reminded of this.
The mum can't help her personality that's just the way she is her daughter, on the other hand, is nothing but a spoiled brat who knows exactly what she's doing she admits she manipulates the situations so she is well aware of her behaviour


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