Dr Phil Feb 22, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 122
Dr Phil Feb 22, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 122

Dr Phil Feb 22, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 122

I live in memphis. Girl. Fedex hiring always. Full time with benefits. Your kid can have good health insurance for almost nothing and so can you. They give you guaranteed hours and vacation with opportunity to move up and or get overtime. C'mon. Leave him and work on you.
They need to be locked up, this makes me ill that they think it is okay to subject these babies to the drugs and living in poverty intentionally. Some can't help it, these people can. Beg for money from those that do work, but they don't approve of working. Come on, that's BS
These babies don't understand what is being said. They only notice the level of intensity when the grown ups are talking. They don't see or feel a level of calm and normalized atmosphere in the tone of conversation. This breeds nervousness and anxiety and uncertainty that makes their lives in constant question. There is no predictability in anyone they need safety from. Mom needs help to but if she decides to be with dude, she gives up her rights in being a Mom. Homelessness is not illegal or putting your kids in danger. The way you behave does and 'writes on the pshce' of them forever.
There is plenty of truth to what they are saying, they are just going
about it extremely incorrectly.
They are fighting against the white man's infrastructure.We all have
been forced to be slavebots to the almighty dollar,the white man's
creation for complete control OF ALL...
Everyone HATES it,that hasn't been born with gobs of it at their
fingertips.All the while we have nationalism capitalism forced on us for
our very survival and the survival of our loved ones.Most who feel this
way realize they are indeed trapped.There indeed is nowhere to run.
So it is just an acquired ACCEPTANCE. This is CONTROL, Dr.Phil was
telling them you BETTER you have NO CHOICE. We have made the game and
the rules and you BETTER play by our RIGGED rules.If NOT we have set
The kids are not in harms way, the only thing wrong with this is they should do some creative way of making money besides panhandling ..Leave people alone and let them live their own RELIGIOUS beliefs ...the picket fence Cinderella story is Stupid
his 'vision' pretty much revolves around him having a harem. that's a
major red flag for narcissistic, sociopath cult leaders. their
philosophy surrounds giving up all kinds of 'decadent' behaviors and
belongings, but only when it comes to those gullible enough to be roped