Saturday, February 16, 2019

Top 10 Spoiled Kids Getting Owned by Dr Phil show 2019

 Top 10 Spoiled Kids Getting Owned by Dr Phil show 2019
 Top 10 Spoiled Kids Getting Owned by Dr Phil show 2019

No joke, Ken and Felix have been saying ranch SO MANY TIMES that I’m getting ads about ranch tractors and tools and such. That’s the smartest thing YouTube algorithms can do.

I must thank Scott for editing Ken's videos, I truly enjoy how the editing is done, everything is well put together and amazingly entertaining. Always a great job!))
React to Khalood on Dr Phil.... The episodes she was on are very old, but trust me... she is the one guest that has always stayed with me. Pure crazy...If I remember right, Dr Phil actually spent an episode at her house... lol
Today my house almost burn down I’m about to move out of the country next week I don’t have job or money but when you see Cinnamon Toast Ken and Buffpro video is like glorious... everything is gonna be alright...
I think it is important to know that you don't need to go to college for certain high paying jobs or some jobs in general. If you want a job that requires a college degree then you go get it. No one should tell you that you have to go to college to be successful. Bill gates tried and got himself a company without the degree. However, I don't want anyone to think that can be billionaires. Anyone who reads this should understand that you should be happy with the career you desire. The pay is important when it comes to bills and taxes but also think about how you can't put effort into a job that doesn't thrive you to do it.
The “kidnapped” blonde chick wasn’t the one that was freaking out in that episode it was her little sister that they blurred out, she was throwing shit at her dad and screaming like crazy, but the older sister wasn’t too happy about being taken in the middle of the night as anyone wouldn’t be.
Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them to the ranch Send them


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